Notification of Updating GP Fund Balances of Employees of Govt Punjab

Government of the Punjab, Finance Department has issued a Notification on 22-04-2022 in connection with Updating GP Fund Balances of Employees of Govt Punjab. The details are as under:

Updating GP Fund Balances of Employees of Govt Punjab

  • To: The Additional Accountant General (GP Fund) O/O Accountant General Punjab A.G. Complex, Turner Road Lahore
  • Subject: Updating of General Provident Fund Balances of employees of the Government of Punjab.


I direct to refer to your circular letter No. G.P Fund Updation Cell/13, dated 12.04.2022, on the subject cited above.

Mr. Muhammad Iftikhar, Assistant (Budget & Accounts), E&A Branch, Government of the Punjab, Finance Department is hereby nominated as the Focal person of the Finance Department (main) for the subject mentioned purpose. His contact numbers are as under:


> Phone No. (Off)  : 042-99212326

> Moblie No.           : 0300-9495934


Copy Forwarded to


(i) Officer concerned, along with a copy of the above referred circular letter

(ii) System Analyst, FD, for uploading on the official website of the Finance Department

(iii) Personal File

(iv) Office order file


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Notification of Updating GP Fund Balances of Employees of Govt Punjab

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