Difference among Prime Minister Assistance Package 2006, 2014 and 2015

After reading this article you will be well aware of the Difference among Prime Minister Assistance Package 2006, 2014, and 2015. These PM Assistance packages have different packages for the families of the Government employees who die while in service.  The three PM Assistance Packages are as under:


Prime Minister Assistance Package 2006, 2014 and 2015


  • Prime Minister Assistance Package 2006: With Effect from 13-06-2006
  • PM Assistance Package 2014: 15th June 2013
  • Prime Minister Assistance Package 2015: With Effect from 9th February 2015


Chart of Difference Among Various PMAPs


The Chart of the difference between various packages under PM Assistance Package 2006, PM Assistance Package 204, and PMAP-2015 are as under:


Sr. No Benefits PM Assistance Package 2006 Prime Minister Assistance Package 2014 PM Assistance Package 2015
1 Lump-Sum Grant Yes Yes Yes
2 Pension Yes, 75% Yes, Full Pay and Pension Yes 100%
3 Accommodation Yes Yes, till the age of superannuation
4 Employment Yes, for 2 years on contract Yes, regular Basis On 5 years contract basis and extension after each 5 years
5 Education Yes, Free Education One Child Yes, Free Education for all children Yes, Free Education for all children
6 Health Yes Yes
7 Plot of Land Yes, Only a 2% quota in FGEHA Cash Payment in Lieu of Plot Cash Payment in Lieu of Plot
8 House Building Advance Yes, Waived Off Yes, Waived Off Yes, Waived Off
9 Marriage Grant No Yes Yes
10 Special Lump Sum grant from BF No Yes, only in Security related Deaths Yes, only in Security related Deaths
11 Monthly Benevolent Grant Yes Yes Yes
12 GP Fund Bonus No Yes No, only payable amount, the family will get
13 Payment of Pension through DCS No Yes Yes
14 Waive off the unpaid amount of plot by FGEHA Yes
15 Waive of Motorcar, Motorcycle Advance, Bicycle Advance Yes Yes No
See also  Revised Rates Benevolent Fund (BF) 2021 and Funeral Charges KP

Difference among Prime Minister Assistance Package 2006, 2014 and 2015


Prime Minister Assistance Package 2006


In this PM Package the families of the Government servants who die during service have the following packages:


Lump-Sum Grant


The families got up to 1 M depending on the pay scale as a Lump Sum grant. In security-related deaths, the families got up to 1.5M.




The spouse or eldest son got a 75% pension. The son got a pension till a maximum of 18 years of age. The spouse got a normal pension for life.




Retention of Govt house or rent for 5 years or till the age of superannuation whichever is earlier but minimum for 3 years.




Employment for the posts of BPS-01 to BPS-15 on two yeas contracts without any advertisement.


Education of Children


Free education to one child up to the age of 18 years.


Health facilities


Free health facilities in Government hospitals for the widow for life and children up to 18 years of age.


Plot of Land


Allotment of the plot as per the 2% quota of FGEHF


Waive of HBA, MCA, and Bicycle advance


The remaining balance of HBA, the department waived off. In the same way, Motorcycle Advance, Motorcar Advance, and Bicycle Advance remaining balance amounts were waived off. Finance Division issued a Notification of Waiving off the balance amount of motorcycle advance, motorcar advance, and bicycle advance in 2011.

PM Assistance Package 2014


This package started with effect on 15th June 2013. The packages for the families of the employees under Assistance Package 2014 are as under:

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Lump-Sum Grant


 The families got 2.5 M to 9 M as lump-sum grants depending on the basic pay scale of the deceased employees.




Full pay and allowances till the age of superannuation with all benefits as a serving employee. After the age of 60 years, the spouse got a 100% pension.




Free education to the children of the deceased government employees up to higher education level including expenses of children on account of tuition Fee, Books and related martial and living allowances, etc.


Cash payment in Lieu of Plot


The family got Cash Payment in Lieu of Plot 2 M to 7 M depending on the pay scale.


Employment to Son, Daughter or Widow


Employment of widow/ widower, one son or daughter to the posts in BS-01 to BS-IS, on regular basis without advertisement against the post criteria of which the applicant fulfills.


Marriage Grant


The government granted 0.8 M on the marriage of one daughter


GP Fund


In case of in-service death, the assistance package in tams of GP Fund shall be as follows:-


BPS 1-3 = Payable amount + 50% Bonus

BPS 4-22 =Payable amount 30% Bonus


Payment of Pension through DCS


The family got a pension for the first time through Direct Credit System


Monthly Grant


The families of the deceased employees also get the Benevolent Fund payment as a monthly grant as per rules.


Waiving off Outstanding Advances


The Government waived all outstanding dues of HBA, MCA, Motor Car Advance, Bicycle Advances, Plot remaining installment if under FGEHF.


Prime Minister Assistance package 2015


The Prime Minister Assistance Package 2015 started with effect from 9th February 2015. The families of the civil servants who died while in service get the following packages:

See also  Employment of Children of an Employee Who Die In Service Irrespective of Cut-off-Date & Quota


Lump-Sum Grant


The families get 0.6 M to 3 M as a lump-sum grant as the Basic Pay Scale of the employee who died during service.




100% pension to the families of the deceased Govt servant as per their length of service and last pay drawn. In case of less than 10 years of service of the deceased employees, the rate of a minimum of 10 years of service will be applicable.




Retention of the Govt accommodation or the payment of the rent of the hired house till the age of superannuation of the deceased civil servant.



Free education for all the children


Allotment of Plot/Payment of Plot


Rs. 2 M to 7 M payment as a lump sum in lieu of plot as per the Basic Pay of the deceased employee




Employment for 5 years on a contract basis. This contract further continues till further five and after every 5 years, the contract extends. In the 2014 package, the employment was on a regular basis but later on it changed and Government announced 5 years contract period for employment under the PM Assistance package 2015.


Marriage Grant


0.8 Million on the wedding of one daughter


Waiving Off House Building Advance


The unpaid balance of HBA, the Govt waives off


Monthly BF

The family got a monthly grant of Bf as per the rules


GP Fund


Only the amount payable will be granted to the family. The family is not eligible for any bonus


Pension through DCS


The family gets a pension through Direct Credit System

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13 thoughts on “Difference among Prime Minister Assistance Package 2006, 2014 and 2015

  1. Why full pay and pension for Family assistance package 2014 , but only 100 percent pension for 2015 . Is this not discrimination? Can this be challenged in court? If this is the case so than why 2006 are deprived from other benefits.

  2. My husband died on 23/09/2013 n his service was 4.yrs n 2 months that time n no pension was dmissible in that case i saying that hee is not eligible for pension was tht right decision or there is any cahnce he was federal employee

      1. Sir i wrote to the departmebt many time but they never reapond in written n i dont hav any information how to deal this? I just want to kno k wat can i do in thisregard n where can i start?

      1. Syed Muhammad Ahsan · Edit

        Sir mere father medical board pr retired hua haan 85 % aur unka department education ha fedral ma to jo 2 saal ka contract pr job milay gi wo extendable hogi ya ni

          1. Assalamualaikum, Sir please is bt ki clarification kr den k employment of 5 year contract basis extendable till the age of superannuation Jo k 21 May 2018 ka letter hy ye date to superannuation deceased employees ki pertains hogi ya widow/daughter/Son ki? Please advise,

  3. My husband death in 2015 but lum sump amount of plot not pay and house building advance deduction with interest deducted. high court sy cause dismisd hva ha nd ma ny loan ly k superime court ma aply kia h but 9 month guzar gy koi responce ni ahyia


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