Revised Scheme of Time Scale Promotion/Personal Upgradation Stenographer

Lahore High Court, Lahore has issued a Notification on 26-04-2022 in connection with the Revised Scheme of Time Scale Promotion/Personal Upgradation Stenographer. The details are as under:

Amended Scheme of Time Scale Promotion/Personal Upgradation Stenographer

In partial modification of this Court’s Notification No.40/HR-III, dated 31.01.2017 and in the exercise of the power conferred, vide Government of the Punjab, Finance Department’s Notification No.JudI.I-X(Home)/89, dated 08.10.1995, the Hon’ble Chief Justice has been pleased to modify the earlier Time Scale Promotion/personal Up-Gradation Scheme for the post of ‘Stenographer’ with the change of nomenclature as tabulated here-under:-


Change of Nomenclature & Amended TSP


Name of the Post Mode of Time scale Personal


Scale Length of Service
Stenographer BS-17 On initial appointment as a Stenographer
Personnel Officer BS-18 After completion of 7-years’ satisfactory service in BS-17
Senior Personal Officer BS-19 After completion of 7-Years’ satisfactory service in BS-18
Principal Personnel Officer BS-20 After completion of 7-years’ satisfactory service in BS-19…..Till Retirement

*Note:- All the Time scale Promotion / Personal Up-gradation of the Officers/officials of this Court are actually promotion and not simple up-gradation and hence, all concerned are entitled to all the benefits borne out there-From including pre-mature increments, as envisaged vide this Court’s letter No.123/HR-III dated 08.02.2022.


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Revised Scheme of Time Scale PromotionPersonal Upgradation Stenographer

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