History of Pay Scales Revision in Pakistan

I shall here mention in detail the History of Pay Scales Revision in Pakistan. Various Governments in the history of Pakistan issued the Revised Pay Scales for the civil servants of Pakistan. The 1st Payscale revision took place in 1972 when Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was the president of Pakistan. The last time PMLN Government issued the revised pay scales in 2017 when Nawaz Sharif was the Prime Minister of Pakistan. Now is 2022 and after 2017, there was no Pay Scale Revision for 5 years. The history chart of pay scales is as under:


Chart of History of Pay Scales Revision in Pakistan

Sr. No Revised Pay Scales Effective date Government President/Prime Minister
1 1972 01-03-1972 PPP Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
2 1977 01-05-1977 PPP Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
3 1983 01-07-1983 Zia-ul-Haq
4 1987 01-07-1987 Independent Muhammad Khan Junejo
5 1991 01-06-1991 PMLN Nawaz Sharif
6 1994 01-06-1994 PPP Benazir Bhutto
7 2001 01-12-2001 Gen Pervaiz Musharaf
8 2005 01-07-2005 PMLQ Shaukat Aziz
9 2007 01-07-2007 PMLQ Shaukat Aziz
10 2008 01-07-2008 PPP Yousaf Raza Gillani
11 2011 01-07-2011 PPP Yousaf Raza Gillani
12 2015 01-07-2015 PMLN Nawaz Sharif
13 2016 01-07-2016 PMLN Nawaz Sharif
14 2017 01-07-2017 PMLN Nawaz Sharif
15 2022 01-07-2022 PMLN Shahbaz Sharif

I have already uploaded the combined Revised Pay Scale Chart 1972 to 2017 for the employees. As I earlier said, nearly 5 years have gone, but no pay scale revision occurred for the employees. It is time to revise the pay scales for the Government employees. Since 2017 many employees retired without merging their Adhoc relief allowances into their basic pay.

See also  Detail Adhoc Relief Allowance 2018 for Govt Employees


Benefits of Revised Pay Scales


With the revised pay scales, serving employees as well as retired employees both get benefits.

Pension & Gratuity


As you know pension and gratuity depend on the Basic Pay. If the basic pay increases the pensioners get more pension and gratuity. The higher the basic pay, the more pension and gratuity the pensioners get.

For Serving Employees


The serving employees have also more benefits with the revised pay scales. They have more basic pay. The more basic pay the more benefits as Adhoc Relief Allowance in the future. After retirement, they have also the benefits of more pension and gratuity.

Example: Suppose an employee has 10,000/- as basic pay. If the Government does not revise the pay scales in 2022 and only gives a 10% increase as an Adhoc relief allowance, the employee will get only 1000/- rupees benefit.

            If the Government merges 40% Adhoc relief allowances, then the same employees will get a benefit of 1400/- rupees vide this 10% Adhoc relief allowance.

Request for Revised Pay Scales 2022

All employees request the Government to merge the Adhoc relief allowances into basic pay and issue the Notification of Revised Pay Scales 2022 in the coming budget. The tentative date of announcement of Budget 2022-23 the Federal Government already issued. At this moment, the employees are getting the following Adhoc relief allowances:

  • 10% Adhoc Relief Allowance 2016 (frozen)
  • 10% Adhoc Relief Allowance 2017 (on current basic pay)
  • A 10% Adhoc Relief Allowance 2018 (on current basic pay)
  • 5% and 10% Adhoc Relief Allowance 2019 (on current basic pay)
  • 10% Adhoc Relief Allowance 2021 (on current basic pay)
See also  Notification Enhancement Utility Allowance for Official / Officers Working in Civil Secretariat


Now it is time to do something for the employees by merging the above mentioned ARAs into basic pay. All employees of Pakistan request the Government of Pakistan to do the favor with the employees.


History of Pay Scales Revision in Pakistan

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2 thoughts on “History of Pay Scales Revision in Pakistan

  1. Mashah Allah you made good efforts for providing information on revision of salaries of federal government employees. I have a question here ” The last pay revision was made in 2017 and as per previous practice it was due in 2021, however, Imran Khan’s government not revised government pay scales and which has now revised by the new government in 2022. I was working in a government organization and recently retired from government service on 3rd June, 2022. My basic pay was Rs.62570/- PM which now has been revised and new basic pay has been fixed Rs.96370/- PM. It means by the delay of Imran government made a loss of more than Rs.30,000/- and now I will face more loss in my pension and gratuity and other payments. Is it possible I submit case to Federal Ombudsmen or Supreme Court for seeking justice as it seems totally discrimination and injustice. Why I face negative impacts of Imran’s government delay in revision of pay scales? . Please look into the matter and suggest me any possible way to get my rights protected under constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan .
    Farid Ahmad


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