Notification of Disparity Reduction Allowance (DRA) 2022 Balochistan @ 15%

Finance Department Balochistan has issued a Notification on 12-05-2022 in connection with Disparity Reduction Allowance (DRA) 2022 Balochistan @ 15% to BPS-01 to BPS-19 employees.  The employees of Balochistan province will get this allowance on initial basic pay with effect from 01-03-2022. The summary of the DRA-2022 Balochistan is as under:

Disparity Reduction Allowance (DRA) 2022 Balochistan


Sr. No Allowance Description Details of Allowance
1 Name of Allowance DRA-2022
2 Rate of Allowance 15%
3 Running or Initial Pay Initial Basic Pay
4 Pay Scales 2017
5 Province Balochistan
6 Employees Range BPS-01 to BPS-19
7 All employees or Specific Only those who do not get Special Allowance equal or more to 100%

DRA-2022 Balochistan on Initial Basic Pay


It is a famous saying “Something is better than nothing”. The employees of Balochistan got this DRA on the initial basic pay instead of the current basic pay. But it is better rather to not get it. The employees who are recently appointed will not get affected by it. However, the employees working for long will get a loss or less allowance. The newly recruited employee and old recruited employee on the same pay scale will get the same amount of this Disparity Reduction Allowance 2022. This will increase the salary of the newly appointed employee in 2021-22 for the province of Balochistan.


Notification of Disparity Reduction Allowance (DRA) 2022 Balochistan @ 15%


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Confusion/Mistake in the Notification

If we look at the last para (h) of the Notification, it is saying that the term basic pay will also include the amount of Personal Pay granted in annual increments beyond the maximum of the existing pay scales. If this para is correct then the employees will get this DRA on running basic pay. Because personal pay always means here beyond the pay scales that are always with running basic pay relates. Let’s wait for its correction.

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