Clarification Only Basic Pay or Allowances too on Resignation from Service

Government of the Punjab, Finance Department has issued a letter on 11-04-2022 in connection with Clarification Only Basic Pay or Allowances too on Resignation from Service to deposit. The details/clarification is as under:

Clarification Only Basic Pay or Allowances too on Resignation


Kindly refer to your application dated 19.02.2022 on the subject noted above.


  1. it is informed that as per section 2 (e) of the Punjab Civil Servants Act 1974 Pay means as under:-

 “ “Pay” means the amount drawn monthly by a civil servant as pay and includes technical pay, Special Pya, Personal Pay, and other amount declared as by the prescribed Authority: ”

  1. as per para 3(XVII) of contact appointment policy 2004, termination of contact based on one month’s notice or one month’s pay in lieu thereof on either side without assigning any reason. Hence one month’s pay means only pay excluding all allowances and where Contract Appointment was made on Lump Sum Pay Package then the whole salary is liable to be deposited.


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It is clear from the above statement that the employee who tends to resign from his/her Government service, he/she will have to deposit one month’s pay only, not allowances. If the employee is getting personal pay, technical pay, or special pay, etc he/she also has to deposit the same. However all allowances such as House Rent Allowance, Conveyance Allowance, Medical Allowance, Charge Allowance, Integrated Allowances, All Adhoc Relief Allowances, Disparity Reduction, or Special Allowances, he/she will not deposit.

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                If the employee got the job on the basis of a lump-sum pay package, then he/she will have to deposit all his lump sum pay.


I have already published an article on the topic of procedure to resign from Government Sevice. Those rules are taken from ESTA Code Federal where there the employee has to deposit 1d day’s pay. The Punjab Government employee has to deposit 1 month’s pay. I shall further elaborate on the rulings of resignation from service for Punjab soon.


Clarification Only Basic Pay or Allowances too on Resignation from Service

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