Is KP Govt Going to do Extraordinary for Employees in KP Budget 2022-23 on 1st June?

It is an important question if Khyber Pakhtunkhawa Government is going to do an extraordinary for the Employees in KP Budget 2022-23 on 1st June 2022. The question is important and charming as the KP Government is announcing the Budget before Federal Govt.


What can be for Employees in KP Budget 2022-23 on 1st June?


The employees of the Khyber Pakhtunkhawa province are expecting much from the provincial Government this year Budget 2022-2023. They have not got a satisfactory benefit from the Government for many years. Before going further into the topic, let’s discuss the following:


  • Date of Announcement t of KP Budget 2022-23
  • Unexpected date of presentation of Budget in Provincial Assembly
  • What are the main issues of the employees?
  • What the employees are expecting from the Government?


When is KP Government Announcing the Budget for 2022-2023?


The government of Khyber Pakhtunkhawa is presenting the Annual Budget 2022-23 on 1st June 2022. KP Government has fully prepared the budget.  As there is PTI Government in the province and this Govt had enough time to prepare the budget.  The delay in Federal Budget and Punjab budget 2022-23 may delay as there are newly established Governments.  So keep ready for the budget 2022-2023 by the KPK Government on 01-06-2022.


Un-Expected Date of Presentation of Budget


This is an unexpected date for the announcement of the budget by a provincial Government. In history, Federal Government always announced the budget first. After the Federal Government, Provincial Governments used to announce the budget. In provincial budgets, most of the increases in pay and allowances were nearly the same as in Federal. Especially whenever the Federal Government revised the pay scales, provincial Governments followed it. Now it is for the first time that KPK Government is presenting the annual budget on 1st June 2022 prior to the Federal Govt date of announcement of Budget 2022-23. Federal Govt has decided to present the budget on 10th June 2022.

See also  Notification of Disbursement Salary of December 2018 in Advance to Christian Community Employees


The demand for the Revised Pay Scales 2022


The employees of the KP province have many issues as they want the provincial government to do its best for them. The main issue is the revised pay scales for 2022. The last time, issued the revised pay scales 2017 after that no revision on pay scales. But there is a question of whether the provincial Government Issue its own pay scales if the Government intends to introduce the revised pay scales 2022. What will happen if Federal Government doesn’t revise the pay scales? These are some of the questions. If the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhawa merges all the ad-hoc relief allowances into basic pay and introduces the revised pay scales 2022, it will be a great work of the Government. It will be a set example for the Federal Government and other provincial Governments. They will automatically force to revise the pay scales.


Other Demands of KP Employees


The other main demands of the employees of the KP province are as under:


  • Increase in House Rent Allowance – 45% of the initial the revised pay scales 2022
  • Increases in Conveyance Allowance – Minimum double the previous one
  • Medical Allowance Increase – Minimum 5000/- per month
  • Up-gradation of different posts – up-gradation of the leftover posts
  • Increase in Pension – Minimum 20% increase in pension


The government of Khyber Pakhtunkhawa must think over these issues of the employees. The employees of the province are facing high rates of daily use items. Most of them are forced to do double jobs and part-time jobs. Here is good news for the Federal employees the Finance Division has also issued the Notification of Policy for Time Scale for BPS-01 to BPS-16 employees. This Notification will create satisfaction to some extent for the employees. But the employees want much as compared to dearness. There is news that Federal Government may increase the pay by 10% to 20%.

See also  Adhoc Relief Allowance ARA-2024 @ 25% and 20% PESCO


News of Salaries Increase KP


There is news about the salary increase. The source of the news is not confirmed. As soon as the newspaper name and date confirm, I shall update it. However, you can read this news just for information. This newspaper claims a much for the employees.


  • BPS-1 to BPS-16 = 15% Increase in Pay
  • BPS-17 and above = 10% Increase in Pay
  • Three time scale promotion in 60 Years age retirement



News KP pay Increase


No Need to Be Happy:


There is another news regarding the 1% to 19% sales tax on services.

Daily Mashriq dated 30-05-2022


KP Tax Budget


KP Govt Going to do Extraordinary for Employees in Budget 2022-23 on 1st June

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