News Regarding Increase Salary in Budget 2022-23 Pakistan

The Daily Dunya newspaper dated 29-05-2022 has published news regarding increase salary in Budget 2022-23 of Pakistan.  Federal Government is presenting the annual budget for 2022-2023 on 10th June 2022. At this moment no authentic news we have not received from any reliable sources in connection with the increase in pay and allowances as well as the pension of the employees. However, as per the Dunya Newspaper, the details of salaries increase in the coming budget are as under:


News Regarding Increase Salary in Budget 2022-23 Pakistan


Note: This is only news and we cannot say it is the final proposal or authentic source news. The government will do the final all on the day of the announcement of Budget 2022-23. However, before the budget, we enjoy the news of the salary increase.

                   As per the Daily Dunya report, there is a proposal not to increase in salary of the Federal Government employees. However, the allies of the Government and other ministries propose a 10% to 20% increase in the salary of the employees. Government has a plan not to increase pay till the final proposal of the pay and pension committee. When the Government will receive the proposals of the pay and pension committee, Govt will increase the pay of the employees. However, Allies of the Government and Ministries will give proposals to increase the pay and pension from 10% to 20% keeping in view the dearness.

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Pay and Pension Committee will give its proposals till 30th June 2022. There are chances of service structure of the employees and pay and pension proposal be implemented in the budget of 2023-2024. The commission has requested the Government to complete its task by 30th June 2022.


The Latest Salaries Increase News Budget 2022-2023 Pakistan


Pay and Pension Commission


The establishment of the pay and pension committee took place about 2 years ago. The Government issued the revised TORs of the Pay and Pension Commission in 2021.  Many times its president resigned. Its prudent changed many times. The commission requested to grant extension in the final report time many times. But still, the commission has not reached its final conclusion to remove the disparities in pay and pension.

              The latest updates are that time limit recommendations of pay and pension commission have been granted till 30th June 2022. Whether Government can revise the pay scales without the recommendations of the commission? This is an important question. In my opinion, Government should revise the pay scales and increase pensions in the budget instead of waiting for the recommendations of the commission.


Employees/Pensioners and Pay & Pension Commission


The employees and pensioners are not in a condition to wait for more for the pay and pension commission. They are already thinking about the increase in Conveyance Allowance in Budget and Revision of pay scales. They are the most affected people from the dearness. Every person in the country has adjusted himself according to the dearness. The producers have increased the rates of their products due to dearness. The middle man and others have also increased their charges.  The summary is that everyone has managed himself. How an employee can increase their salary themselves? They just wait for the budget and hope from the Government to do something for them. In the current situation, the employees want urgent relief, otherwise, their life will be in more trouble.

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We have also to wait for the KPK Annual Budget 2022-23. Khyber Pakhtunkhawa Government is presenting the same on 01-06-2022 about 10 days before the Federal Budget. Let’s see what KP Government announces for the employees and pensioners.


Special Thanks: Mr. Waleed Raza


News Regarding Increase Salary in Budget 2022-23 Pakistan

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