Notification Restoration Saturday Holiday 2022

Government of Pakistan, Establishment Division has issued a Notification on 08-06-2022 in connection with Restoration Saturday Holiday 2022. The Federal Cabinet had already approved restoring the weekend holiday on Saturday. The details are as under:

Restoration Saturday Holiday 2022 Federal


The new office timings are as under for 5 working days:


Days          Timings
Monday to Thursday 0800 HRS to 1600 HRS
Friday 0800 HRS to 1600 HRS

Notification Restoration Saturday Holiday 2022



                Before this, the Prime Minister of Pakistan ordered for Cancellation of the Saturday Holiday just at the start of the PMLN Government. The employees of the Federal Government did not like this decision.  There were many reasons, one of the main reasons was the fuel prices and increased rates of fare to travel. The employees had to travel to their place of work daily 6 days a week instead of five days. This increased more expense burden of travelling for the employees. The employees are getting the conveyance allowances that were increased last time in 2014-2015. After that fuel prices increased many times but the conveyance allowance remained the same. The employees were hardly facing the expenses of travelling to their workplaces and the cancellation of the Saturday holiday further increased their worries.

                I had already written in detail about the demand to increase the Conveyance Allowance in Budget 2022-23. The employees are facing many hardships with their travelling expenses. Government must consider this request of the employees.  As per the latest news regarding the increase in salaries in budget 2022-2023, the employees are much worried when they heard that only 5% to 15% and even according to some news that IMF will decide about the pay increase for employees.

See also  Notification of Extension Holidays 2020 in Sindh Educational Institutions

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