Budget Speech 2022-23 Pakistan and Salary Increase

According to Budget Speech 2022-23 Pakistan, the Finance Minister has announced many packages for the employees and pensioners. Before this, Federal Cabinet approved the Budget 2022-2023. The Information Minister told the main contents of the Budget 2022-23 Pakistan.  There was different news of salary increase in the budget on 10th June 2022. However, after the approval of the budget and the Budget Speech of Miftah Ismael, the following has been announced for the employees:

Budget Speech 2022-23 Pakistan and Salary Increase of Employees


The following favored the Government to the employees of Pakistan in the Budget Speech 2022-23:


  • Adhoc Relief Allowance 2022 @ 15% of Pay
  • Merging of Adhoc Relief Allowances into basic Pay
  • Introduction of Revised Pay Scales 2022 for employees


These new rates are effective with effect from 1st July 2022 for the Federal Government employees.


Merging of Adhoc Relief Allowances


The following Adhoc Relief Allowances have been merged:



ARA 2017

Adhoc Relief Allowance 2018

Adhoc Relief Allowance 2019






Increase In Pension as per Budget Speech Copy


As per the Budget Speech Copy 2022-23, the Government increased a pension by 0%. The Federal Government pensioners are already getting an increase in Pension 2022 @ 10% with effect from 1st April 2022. However provincial pensioners are deprived of this increase in April 2022.




Pension Fund


The government has announced the creation of a pension fund as per the other countries of the world.  The government has allotted Rs. 10 Billion in this regard.

See also  Pay Fixation of an Employee on Promotion from BPS-16 to BPS-17


Income Tax


The income tax slab has been increased from Rs. 600,000/- per annual to Rs.12,00,000/- pee annual. The employees who are getting less than 1 Lac monthly income will not have to deduct the income tax.


Copy of Budget Speech 2022-23


Please for few minutes


Demands of Employees


The employees demand much from the Government keeping in view the dearness of the country. There were many demands of the employees. However, Government fulfilled some and some did not. The Adhoc Relief Allowance 2022 will give some relief to the employees. This relief is far better than the earlier news of only a 5% to 10% increase in pay.


The other main issues of the employees are House Rent Allowance and Conveyance Allowance. Government should also increase the same before the finalization of the Budget. These demands are actual of the employees. There is another main demand of the employees that is Increase in Medical Allowancce. The rates of medicines and medical treatment have increased many folds. But the employees are getting the Med Allowance, which was increased last time in 2014.

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6 thoughts on “Budget Speech 2022-23 Pakistan and Salary Increase

  1. saray adhoc ko merge kr k jo new basic banay ge aus per 15% increase hai yaa sirf 2017 wali jo basic hai aus per 15% increase hai kindly clarify karain ?


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