Copy of Budget Speech 2022 Punjab and Salaries Increase

According to the Copy of Budget Speech 2022 Punjab, there is a reasonable Salaries Increase for the employees. Punjab Government has also announced for pension and Salary increases Punjab Employees in Budget 2022-2023. The Punjab Government employees will get a lot from this Budget 2022-2023. Finance Minister Punjab, Mr, Awais Leghari announced in Budget Speech 2022-23 Punjab the following::


Budget Speech 2022 Punjab and Salaries Increase


As per the sources, the following Punjab Government has approved the Budget 2022-23 for employees, workers, and pensioners.


  • 15% Increase as Adhoc Relief Allowance
  • Disparity Reduction Allowance @ 15% of Basic Pay
  • Increase in Pension @ 5% wef 1st July and 10% wef 1st April 2022, Total = 15% increase
  • Minimum Wages Rates Rs. 25000/- per month instead of 20,000/- per month



Copy of Budget Speech 2022 Punjab and Salaries Increase


Adhoc Relief Allowance 2022


The Punjab Government employees will get Adhoc Relief Allowance 2022 @ 15% of Basic Pay. Punjab Government employees will get this allowance with effect from 1st July 2022. The Finance Department will further clarify whether 15% Adhoc Relief Allowance 2022 on Pay Scales 2017 or new pay scales 2022. What the Punjab Govt clarify, it is a very good announcement for the Punjab Employees. They deserved this allowance as the prices of the daily use items are at their peak. This ARA-2021 will give some relief to the Punjab Government Employees.


Special / Disparity Reduction Allowance 2022 @ 15%



The Punjab Government employees are lucky enough to get Disparity Reduction Allowance (DRA-2022). Before this federal Government and Khyber Pakhtunkhawa Governments had granted their employees DRA-2022 @ 15% with effect from 1st March 2022. The Punjab Government employees were worried about the same. There was also a change of Government that delayed this allowance for the Punjab employees. Now, they have got this allowance. This will really decrease their financial hardships.

See also  Clarification Admissibility of DRA 2022 / Special Allowance 2021 KP


Increase in pension @ 5% + 10%


Punjab Government has approved a 5% increase in Pension in the Budget 2022-23 for the pensioners wef 1st July 2022. In the same way, 10% pension increase wef 1st April 2022. . If we look for the Federal pensioners, they have already got a 10% increase in pension with effect from 1st April 2022. However, Punjab Govt pensioners only got a 5% increase in Pension.


Minimum Wages Rates 2022 @ 25000/- Per Month


The Finance Minister Punjab approved minimum 25000/- monthly wages rates with effect from 1st July 2022. The laborers of the Punjab province earlier got Rs. 20000/- per month. This will give relief to the workers in Punjab to some extent but they need more salaries to increase.


Other Governments


Before this, Federal Employees and Khyber Pakhtunkhawa Government employees got Disparity Reduction Allowance 2022 @ 15% of running basic pay. Punjab employees were deprived of it. Now the Punjab Government has also announced the same for the employees.


On 10th June 2022, Federal Government announced for 15% Adhoc Relief Allowance and a 5% further increase in pension. In the same way, FG announced for merging of Adhoc Allowance to introduce Basic pay Scales 2022.


Budget Speech 2022 Punjab and Salaries Increase



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6 thoughts on “Copy of Budget Speech 2022 Punjab and Salaries Increase

  1. I want to know about cost of other store. what we can purchase from this head AO 3942
    pls tell me what kind of items we can buy..

    1. Muhammad Siddique J.C · Edit

      You can purshased from this head any non-consumeable store items example U.S.B, wiper, tub, tools, LED bulb, street lights etc.

  2. دیازی دار کی امدن صرف کعزون مین 20000 ھے باھر سے بےرعزگار ھو کر انے والے پاکستانیون کے لیے بھی لچھ کرین 70 سال کئ عمر کے بعد پینسن بزھانا بند کرین


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