Summary of Pension Reforms and Packages for Employees Budget 2022-23 KPK

I am sharing here the Summary of Pension Reforms and Packages for Employees Budget 2022-23 KPK. The employees got many benefits including a 16% Adhoc Relief Allowance.  The pensioners got a 15% rise in pension. The details are as under:


Pension Reforms and Packages for Employees Budget 2022-23 KPK

  1. 16% Adhoc allowance 2022 may be granted to all provincial government employees on running basic pay with terms and conditions as described in this summary.
  2.  The risk allowance of BPS 7-16 police personnel may be Increased by 15% of the 2017 initial basic ay.
  3. The incentive allowance may be renamed as Risk Allowance and for BS- 3-16, Rescue 1122 staff may be increased at the rate of 35% of 2017 initial basic pay to make it in ar with the risk allowance of police.
  4. To allow risk allowance at the rate of 100% basic ay of 2008 to the grade 7-16 staff of forest and wildlife department.
  5. For existing civil servants, the medical allowance drawn in salary may be used as a premium to provide additional coverage under sehat insaff card plus. The top-u package includes OD consultations and medical coverage. All civil servants will be given the option to opt-out.
  6. 15% increase may be granted in net pension to all pensioners of the provincial government with effect from 1st July 2022.
  7. Pursuant to the edition of the services tribunal KK on 09/06/2021 in execution petition No. 166/22 in service appeal no. 1132/19 case titled Mr. Muhammad Arshad vs Government of KPK the officers on special duty shall be entitled to the allowance prayed for.
  8. Calculation of pension emoluments on the basis of last three-year average basic pay with effect from 1st July 2022.
  9. The already notified grievance redressal committee shall be reconstituted with the same membership under the chairmanship of the Finance Minister to decide the admissibility of cadre/service-specific allowance on a case-to-case basis.
  10. Utilization of Rs. 10 billion of the pension fund profits towards payment of annual pension bill.
  11. Utilization of GP fund profits Rs. Billion towards payment of GP fund interest payment.
See also  Notification of Basic Pay Scales 2011 & Adhoc Allowances to the Contingent Paid Staff and Contract Employees


Summary of Pension Reforms and Packages for Employees Budget 2022-23 KPK

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