Budget 2022-23 Balochistan on 21-06-2022 and Salaries / Pension Increase

As per the news, Budget 2022-23 Balochistan on 21-06-2022 will be announced. There are chances that the salaries / pension of the employees/pensioners will increase at a reasonable level.

Budget 2022-23 Balochistan on 21-06-2022 and Salaries / Pension Increase


          Before this, the provincial assembly session, the Government delayed. Now the session will again start on 21st June 2022. According to the Government sources, the session of the assembly was delayed for one day due to the activities of the Chief Minister.

          Provincial Finance Minister, Abdur Rehman Khetran will present the Budget in Assembly.


Pay/ Pension Increase 2022 Balochistan


There are chances that, Balochistan Government will also announce the pay and pension as per the Federal Government pattern.

Federal Government announced an increase in salaries in Budget 2022-23 @ 15% as Adhoc Relief Allowance. This ARA-2022 15% is on Basic Pay of 2017 Pay Scales instead of 2022 pay scales. In the same way, Federal Government also announced merging ad-hoc relief allowances into basic pay. In this way, the employees will get the revised pay scales 2022. Federal Government has also announced a 15% increase in pension. 5% wef 1st July and 10% increase in pension with effect from 1st April 2022. There are also chances for an increase in Conveyance Allowance.


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Latest Updates of Pay and Pension Raise in Budget


As per 24 News Channel, the Finance Minister of Balochistan announced a 15% increase in salaries for the employees in Budget 2022-2023.  I am getting the pension increase details and I shall update you here soon. As per Express news, there is also a 15% increase in pension for the pensioners.

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  • Pay Increase = @ 15%
  • Pension Increaae @ 15%


Pay and Pension Increase balochistan


  • Adhoc Relief Allowance 2022 on the Pay of Revised Pay Scales 2017
  • Merging of Adhoc Allowances as per Federal Government
  • Minimum monthly wages Rs. 25000/-



Budget 2022-23 Balochistan on 21-06-2022 and Salaries Pension Increase

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