Letter Regarding Upgradation Constables, Head Constables and ASIs Sindh Police

Government of Sindh, Police Department has issued a letter regarding Upgradation Constables, Head Constables, and ASIs Sindh Police on 29-06-2022.

Letter Regarding Upgradation Constables, Head Constables and ASIs Sindh Police


I am directed to state that Sindh Polie is performing duties for maintenance of Law & Order, enforcement of Law, and fighting against terrorism. While performing such functions, police officers and jawans are not required to be on their duties round the clock, but many of them laid down their lives in the line of duty, in these challenging times, the role of the Police is more critical and important.

  1. During the Budget Speech, the Honorable CM Sindh announced that the Constable (BPS-05) w.e.f. 01-07-2022.
  2. It is worth mentioning that the Sindh Police has proposed that Constable, Head Constable & Assistant Sub-Inspector may be up-graded at Par with other Provinces as detailed under:


Table of Upgradation Sindh Police Posts


Sr. No. Name of Post                    Upgradation Punjab Police KPK Police
1. Assistant Sub-Inspector BPS-09 BPS-11 BPS-11 BPS-11
2. Head Constable BPS-07 BPS-09 BPS-09 BPS-09
3. Drive Head Constable BPS-07 BPS-09 BPS-09 BPS-09
4. Constable BPS-05 BPS-07 BPS-07 BPS-07
5. Driver Constable BPS-05 BPS-07 BPS-07 BPS-07

For You More: Expected Basic Pay Scales 2022 Chart (Updated)


Financial Implication


  1. It is relevant to mention here that the additional financial implication if any shall be borne within the budgetary allocation 2022-23 of Sindh Police and shall be adopted in the Revised estimate-2022-23.
  2. It is, therefore, requested that a summary may kindly be floated to Honourable CM Sindh for up-gradation of the post of Constable, Head Constables, and Assistant Sub-Inspectors for their encouragement and moral boosting of lower cadres.
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Special Thanks: Mr. Muhammad Shahbaz


Letter Regarding Upgradation Constables, Head Constables and ASIs Sindh Police

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