I have prepared the Final Revised Basic Pay Scales 2022 Chart for the Government employees. Finance Division has issued a Notification Revised Basic Pay Scales 2022 and Allowances Federal on 1st July 2022. The main feature of this Notification is that the Government has revised the pay scales for Government employees. The last time the Federal Government revised Basic Pay Scales was in 2017.
The Final Revised Basic Pay Scales 2022 Chart
This chart has been prepared for the employees of BPS-01 to BPS-22 of Pakistan. In this new chart, there is more of the Basic Pay of the employees as compared to the previous one. They will have more annual increments and hence more benefits related to basic pay. The following will be affected by the increase of Basic Pay and Pay scales revision in 2022:
- Increase in Basic Pay
- Increase in Annual Increment
- Raise in Promotion Increment
- Usual Increment Increase
- Increase in Pension
- Increase in Advances
- Enhancement in Gratuity/Commutation
- Increase in Farewell Grant
- Increase in TA/DA on Retirement/Transfer in the shape of a Transfer Grant equal to One Basic Pay
More Basic Pay but fewer Allowances
With the revision of basic pay scales in 2022, the employees have more basic pay but fewer allowances as the following allowance, the employees will no longer get:
- Adhoc Relief Allowance 2016 @ 10% of Running Basic Pay of 2016 pay scales (Frozen)
- ARA-2017 on running basic pay of 2017 pay scales @ 10%
- ARA-2018 on running basic pay of 2017 pay scales @ 10%
- Adhoc Allowance 2019 (5 % for BPS-17 and above & 10% for BPS-01 to BPS-16)
- Adhoc Allowance 2021 @ 10% of 2017 Basic Pay Scales
The Revised Pay Scales 2022 Chart Stages Number
The Revised Pay Scales 2022 has the number of stages details as under:
Sr. No | BPS | Number of Stages |
1 | BPS-01 to BPS-16
30 Stages |
2 | BPS-17 to BPS-19
20 Stages |
3 | BPS-20 to BPS-22 | 14 Stages |
If the employee reaches the last stage, the next year he will get an Annual Increment too but in the shape of Personal Pay (PP). The number of PPs is unlimited.
For pension how to calculate basic pay?? Do badic pay include only basic pay or it also includes personal pay etc etc
Personal Pay, Special Pay or any Other Pay includes in the Pension calculation.
the chart is not correct madam
Very good, kindly send me the point/place where there is a mistake. You can email me the same at galaxyworld1122@gmail.com
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم السلام علیکم IN SHA ALLAH I am pleased to thank you by the MERCY OF ALLAH Regards Nawabzada Ikramullah Khan
These pay scales and fixation is absolutely correct. Who are saying that these are not correct are criticizing baselessly with any evidence. However very good effort by Galaxy.
Thanks, Mohammed Farakh Jalees sb for appreciating my efforts.
AOA Galaxy world this pay scale 2022 revise chart is not match with finance division ltr Anx-I plz correction as per per finance division ltr. Thanks
Kindly email me the correction required at
Sir i am a CT teacher in KP since 2017. My Current BasicPay is 22770. Please tell me What will be my Net Salary now after the Revision of Pay and Merging of Adhoc Reliefs?
Kindly write all details again with your Basic Pay Scale Number?
sir, what about Convence Allowance
Still no latest updates in this regard.
Masha Allah good struggle by galaxyworld , thanks sir keep more update please.
Thanks for appreciating my efforts for the employees.
Pl delete it, there are little mistakes in it.
Kindly point out the mistakes. and email me the correct one.
Wrong pay scales
Kindly send me the correct one.