Government of Pakistan Finance Division (Regulation Wing) issued Notification Revised Basic Pay Scales 2022 and Allowances Federal on 01-07-2022. Federal Government has merged five adhoc relief allowances 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2021 into basic pay and introduced Basic Pay Scales 2022. Federal Government last time revised the pay scales in 2017. Now after about five years Federal Government again did so. The details are as under:
Notification Revised Basic Pay Scales 2022 and Allowances Federal
The President has been pleased to sanction the revision of Basic pay Scales & Allowances with effect from 1st July, 2022 for the civil employees of the Federal Government, paid out of civil estimates and from the Defence estimates as detailed in the following paragraphs:-
Revision of Basic Pay Scales:
The Basic Pay Scales-2022 shall replace the Basic Pay Scales-2017 with effect from 01-07-2022 as contained in Annexure-I to this Office Memorandum.
Fixation of Pay of the existing employees:
i) the basic pay of an employee in service on 30-06-2022 shall be fixed in the Basic Pay Scales-2022 on point to point basis i.e. at the stage corresponding to that occupied by him/her pay scale on 30-06-2022, he/she shall continue to draw such pay in the Basic pay Scales-2022 at the revised rates.
Fixation of Pay on Promotion:
In cases of Promotion from a lower to higher posts/scale before the introduction of these scales, the pay of the employees concerned in the revised pay scale may be fixed and so enhanced that it would not be less than the pay that would have been admissible to him if his promotion to the higher post/scale had taken place after the introduction of these scales.
Annual increment:
Annual increment shall continue to be admissible, subject to the existing conditions, on 1st December each year.
Part-II Allowances
Ad-hoc Allowances:
Upon introduction of BPS-2022 the following ad-hoc Relief Allowance granted w.e.f. 01-07-2016, 01-07-2017, 01-07-2018, 01-07-2019 and 01-07-2021 shall cease to exist with effect from 01-07-2022:
S.No. | Name of Ad-hoc Relief Allowance | Office Memorandum
And Date |
Admissible Rates |
i. | Ad-hoc Relief Allowance-2016
(01-07-2016) |
Para-8 of F.1(2)Imp
/2016-333, dated 01-07-2016 |
10% of the basic pay on BPS-2016. |
ii. | Ad-hoc Relief Allowance-2017
(01-07-2017) |
Para-8 of F.1(3)Imp
/2017-500, dated 03-07-2017 |
10% of the basic pay on BPS-2017. |
iii. | Ad-hoc Relief Allowance-2018
(01-07-2018) |
/2018-370, dated 02-07-2018 |
10% of the basic pay on BPS-2017. |
iv. | Ad-hoc Relief Allowance-2019
(01-07-2019) |
/2019-700, dated 05-07-2019 |
10% of the basic pay on BPS-2017.(BPS.1-16) and 5% of the basic pay on BPS-2017 (BPS. 17-20). |
v. | Ad-hoc Relief Allowance-2021
(01-07-2021) |
/2021-216, dated 08-07-2021 |
10% of the basic pay on BPS-2017. |
Ad-hoc Relief Allowance-2022:
a) An Ad-hoc Relief Allowance-2022 @ 15% of the running basic pay of BPS-2017 shall be allowed to the civil employees of the Federal Government as well as civilians paid out of Defence estimates including contingent paid staff and contract employees employed against civil posts in Basic Pay scales on standard terms and conditions of contract appointment with effect from 01-07-2022 and shall stand frozen at the same level till further orders.
Final Revised Basic Pay Scales 2022 Initial, Final Stages, and Increment |
2017 Pay Scales | 2022 Pay Scales | |||||
BPS | Initial Stage | Increment | Last Stage | Initial Stage | Increment | Last Stage |
BPS-01 | 9130 | 290 | 17830 | 13550 | 430 | 26450 |
BPS-02 | 9310 | 330 | 19210 | 13820 | 490 | 28520 |
BPS-03 | 9610 | 390 | 21310 | 14260 | 580 | 31660 |
BPS-04 | 9900 | 440 | 23100 | 14690 | 660 | 34490 |
BPS-05 | 10260 | 500 | 25260 | 15230 | 750 | 37730 |
BPS-06 | 10620 | 560 | 27420 | 15760 | 840 | 40960 |
BPS-07 | 10990 | 610 | 29290 | 16310 | 910 | 43610 |
BPS-08 | 11380 | 670 | 31480 | 16890 | 1000 | 46890 |
BPS-09 | 11770 | 730 | 33670 | 17470 | 1090 | 50170 |
BPS-10 | 12160 | 800 | 36160 | 18050 | 1190 | 53750 |
BPS-11 | 12570 | 880 | 38970 | 18650 | 1310 | 57950 |
BPS-12 | 13320 | 960 | 42120 | 19770 | 1430 | 62670 |
BPS-13 | 14260 | 1050 | 45760 | 21160 | 1560 | 67960 |
BPS-14 | 15180 | 1170 | 50280 | 22530 | 1740 | 74730 |
BPS-15 | 16120 | 1330 | 56020 | 23920 | 1980 | 83320 |
BPS-16 | 18910 | 1520 | 64510 | 28070 | 2260 | 95870 |
BPS-17 | 30370 | 2300 | 76370 | 45070 | 3420 | 113470 |
BPS-18 | 38350 | 2870 | 95750 | 56880 | 4260 | 142080 |
BPS-19 | 59210 | 3050 | 120210 | 87840 | 4530 | 178440 |
BPS-20 | 69090 | 4510 | 132230 | 102470 | 6690 | 196130 |
BPS-21 | 76720 | 5000 | 146720 | 113790 | 7420 | 217670 |
BPS-22 | 82380 | 5870 | 164560 | 122190 | 8710 | 244130 |
federal government employees newly appointed..
How many allowances he should get
From grad 1 to 7
Driver allowance?
M. A
C. A
Integrated allowance
Plz make me confirm and help
My email shaikhsalah83@gmail
For the details of salary, you can read the details in a chart as under:
as per announcment of this regime that they will increase the convence allowance for 2022-23 financial year??
Still not confirmed but they decided and the cabinet did not finally approve it.
Please share a link to history of salary revision of federal government employees in Pakistan.
I have uploaded the same to this website.
An important point has been raised by Farid Khan about recently retired federal government servants. In addition, the government shall also form a dedicated Anomalies Committee on Pension; of which there is a definite need.
An anomaly created after issue of Pay & Pension Policy 2001 affected approx 200,000 old pensioners remains unresolved. It pertained to changing the formula for pension increments from Gross to Net pension and applying it retrospectively on pensioners retired before 1-12-2001 while the new policy applied only to new pensioners. After many favourable court decisions since then, these old pensioners were hoping that this outstanding anomaly will be resolved.
Shall a case of the old pensioners affected by pay & Pension Policy 2001 be forwarded to the newly formed Anomalies Committee?
Iftikhar Siddiqi
Same revision applied on Contract employees?
Yes, all will get pay in the new Basic pay Scales 2022.
Sir Aoa any update about KP Govt Employees pay scale revision??
On 07-07-2022 or after eid chances.
My question is that all these revisions in pay scales by the federal government are for the civil employees only or for the military personnel as well?
The military personnel will also get the revised pay scales.
Dear Sir,
Assalamo Alaikum,
I have studied the history of salary revision of federal government employees in Pakistan available on your website. I appreciate your efforts because it is a valued document. would like to ask the following question
1. ” Is the government of Pakistan bound to revise the basic pay scales of federal government employees or it is discretionary?
2. After how much period of time it is necessary to revise the pay of federal government employees?
The last pay scales were revised in 2017 and it was the responsibility of the government of Pakistan to revise pay scales, however, the previous government did not revise pay scales and as a result, many federal governments retired from government service and were deprived of such benefits for which they were waiting since a long.
My question is why the poor government employees suffer due to the delay in the revision of pay scales?
Is it possible for government employees who retired from government service during the period when the revision of the pay scale was due but due to deliberate delay in decision making by the previous government could not get their right to submit any legal petition to the authorized forum for relief?
The government has announced many steps for relief to the people of Pakistan then why not we request the Prime Minister of Pakistan to announce relief for those federal government who recently retired from government service and could not get the benefit of revision of scales due to delay of such revision by the previous government. I think there is the possibility of sympathy from the Prime minister of Pakistan.
In this regard please guide me and also tell me the estimated numbers of federal government employees who retired from government service from 2020 to 30th June 2022.
Farid Ahmad khan
It depends on the Government to revise the pay scales. Generally, it should be done in three years. in 1994, the Government granted relief to the employees who retired one year before the introduction of the 1994 pay scales. Government can do this relief too.
Thank you so much for sending such information. I request all federal government employees who retired from government service during 2020 , 2021 and before 30th june. 2022 to send thrir details to me I will submit request to Prime Minister of Pakistan . my email is
Farid Ahmad Khan
Sir I’m assistant professor Bps scale 19 but pay is only 82000 after income tax deduction. Is it justified?
I think ur appointment is new.
My bps 7 and my gross pay was 29290. Can u please tell my gross pay now 43610..? Or its different..?
I can tell you ur new basic pay as there are different allowances that you may be getting.
Sir what about conveyance allowance?
Conveyance Allowance did not increase the Federal Government.
What about Punjab?
We can expect the revised pay Scales 2022 Notification of Punjab next coming week.
Will all the adhoc allowances be merged in Basic pay?
Because in Pay Revision notification there is ambiguity that all the adhoc allowances are cease at exist and admissible at following rates. So kindly clarify these points please
5 adhoc allowances are merged into basic pay.