Salary Chart of New Appointed Employee in 2022-23 Pakistan BPS Wise

I am sharing here the Salary Chart of New Appointed Employee in 2022-23 Pakistan. The employee appointed freshly in Basic Pay Scales based can check his/her salary on his/her new appointment. The salary chart is from BPS-01 to BPS-20 employees in Pakistan. This salary chart 2022-23 is for Federal, Punjab, Sindh, KPK, Balochistan, GB, and AJ&K.

Salary Chart of New Appointed Employees in 2022-23 Pakistan


The table of gross salaries for the freshly appointed employee in Federal, Punjab, Sindh, KPK, Balochistan, GB, and AJ&K in 2022-2023 is as under:

Basic Pay Scale No


Gross Salary
Salary of BPS-01 23863
Salary of BPS-02 24275
Salary of BPS-03 24951
Salary of BPS-04 25607
Salary of BPS-05 26560
Salary of BPS-06 27349
Salary of BPS-07 28171
Salary of BPS-08 29055
Salary of BPS-09 29955
Salary of BPS-10 30840
Salary of BPS-11 32698
Salary of BPS-12 34392
Salary of BPS-13 36494
Salary of BPS-14 38556
Salary of BPS-15 40666
Salary of BPS-16 49062
Salary of BPS-17 75272
Salary of BPS-18 94109

Salary Chart of New Appointed Employee in 2022-23 Pakistan

 Appointment in Basic Pay Scales

This salary chart for a freshly appointed employee in Pakistan during 2022-23 is only for the employees whose appointment the Government made in BPS. This chart is not for the employees whose appointment is made in SPS, PBS, or other specific pay scales. The allowances may differ to some extent in some departments but the main allowances are the same for all employees having BPS. Let’s start with the pay chart for Federal, Balochistan, GB, AJ&K, and Punjab

Basis of Pay and Allowances Salary Chart of New Appointed Employee in 2022-23 Pakistan Pay Scale Wise

The above Salary Chart of New Appointed Employee in 2022-23 Pakistan BPS Wise has been prepared after the issuance of the Revised Basic Pay Scales 2022 Chart for employees. All Governments in Pakistan have issued the Notification of revision of pay scales 2022. During the revision of pay scales all Adhoc Relief Allowances, Government has merged. Only one Adhoc Relief Allowance 2022 is admissible to employees. There is no Adhoc Relief Allowance admissible on running basic pay at this time. The only ARA-2022 the employees getting is frozen at the level as on 30-06-2022 basic pay.

Main Pay / Allowances Admissible to Employees in 2022-23

  • Basic Pay
  • House Rent Allowance (HRA) (30% and 45%)
  • Medical Allowance
  • Conveyance Allowance
  • Adhoc Relief Allowance 2022
  • Disparity Reduction Allowance / Special Allowance 2021 @ 25% of Basic Pay
  • Disparity Reduction Allowance / Special Allowance 2022 @ 15% of basic pay

Specific Allowances

The employees may get some other allowances depending on job nature and department. Some of these allowances are as under:

  • Teaching Allowance (for teachers only)
  • Phil / Ph.D. Allowance / Qualification Allowance (Only for the M.Phil / Ph.D. degree holders)
  • Audit and Accounts Allowance (Only to Audit and Accounts related departments employees)
  • Integrated Allowance (For Class IV Employees)
  • Washing/Dusting Allowance etc (For Class IV Employees)
  • Hard Area Allowance (For Hard Areas)
  • Uniform Allowance (For Specific departments)
  • Health Risk Allowance (For Specific departments)
  • Executive Allowance
  • Judicial Allowance
  • Special Compensatory Allowance
  • Secretariat Allowance
  • Charge Allowance
  • Computer Allowance
  • Some Other Allowances

Employees in Courts / CM / PM Offices etc are getting some of the above allowances nearly 150% or more of the basic pay.


Table of House Rent Allowance Federal and Provinces except for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa


Basic Pay Scale No 30% HRA in Small Cities 45% HRA in Big Cities
BPS-01 1337/- 2006/-
BPS-02 1367/- 2051/-
BPS-03 1413/- 2120/-
BPS-04 1458/- 2187/-
BPS-05 1503/- 2255/-
BPS-06 1544/- 2316/-
BPS-07 1589/- 2384/-
BPS-08 1650/- 2475/-
BPS-09 1719/- 2579/-
BPS-10 1781/- 2672/-
BPS-11 1853/- 2780/-
BPS-12 1961/- 2942/-
BPS-13 2091/- 3137/-
BPS-14 2214/- 3321/-
BPS-15 2349/- 3524/-
BPS-16 2727/- 4091/-
BPS-17 4433/- 6650/-
BPS-18 5810/- 8715/-


Pay and Allowances Chart Federal, Punjab, GB, AJ&K, and Balochistan


BPS Basic Pay HRA CA MA Special Allowance/DRA 2021 @ 25% Special Allowance/DRA 2022 @ 15% ARA-2022 @ 15% Total
BPS-01 13550 2006 1785 1500 2283 1370 1370 23863
BPS-02 13820 2049 1785 1500 2328 1397 1397 24275
BPS-03 14260 2120 1785 1500 2403 1442 1442 24951
BPS-04 14690 2187 1785 1500 2475 1485 1485 25607
BPS-05 15230 2255 1932 1500 2565 1539 1539 26560
BPS-06 15760 2316 1932 1500 2655 1593 1593 27349
BPS-07 16310 2384 1932 1500 2748 1649 1649 28171
BPS-08 16890 2474 1932 1500 2845 1707 1707 29055
BPS-09 17470 2579 1932 1500 2943 1766 1766 29955
BPS-10 18050 2670 1932 1500 3040 1824 1824 30840
BPS-11 18650 2778 2856 1500 3143 1886 1886 32698
BPS-12 19770 2940 2856 1500 3330 1998 1998 34392
BPS-13 21160 3135 2856 1500 3565 2139 2139 36494
BPS-14 22530 3321 2856 1500 3795 2277 2277 38556
BPS-15 23920 3524 2856 1500 4030 2418 2418 40666
BPS-16 28070 4091 5000 1500 4728 2837 2837 49062
BPS-17 45070 6650 5000 1848 7593 4556 4556 75272
BPS-18 56880 8715 5000 2421 9588 5753 5753 94109

Salary Chart For Sindh Govt Employee Basic Pay Scale Wise


The pay and allowances chart for Sindh Government fresh employees is different from other provinces and Federal. The Chart is as under:


BPS Basic Pay HRA CA MA Personal Allce Differential Allowance 2022 34.35% (BPS-01 to BPS-15) & 31.7% BPS-16 to BPS-22) ARA-2022 @ 15% Total
BPS-01 13550 2006 1785 1500 1900 3136 1370 25247
BPS-02 13820 2049 1785 1500 1500 3198 1397 25248
BPS-03 14260 2120 1785 1500 900 3301 1442 25308
BPS-04 14690 2187 1785 1500 250 3401 1485 25298
BPS-05 15230 2255 1932 1500 250 3524 1539 26230
BPS-06 15760 2316 1932 1500 0 3648 1593 26749
BPS-07 16310 2384 1932 1500 0 3775 1649 27550
BPS-08 16890 2474 1932 1500 0 3909 1707 28412
BPS-09 17470 2579 1932 1500 0 4043 1766 29289
BPS-10 18050 2670 1932 1500 0 4177 1824 30153
BPS-11 18650 2778 2856 1500 0 4318 1886 31987
BPS-12 19770 2940 2856 1500 0 4575 1998 33639
BPS-13 21160 3135 2856 1500 0 4898 2139 35688
BPS-14 22530 3321 2856 1500 0 5214 2277 37698
BPS-15 23920 3524 2856 1500 0 5537 2418 39755
BPS-16 28070 4091 5000 1500 0 5994 2837 47492
BPS-17 45070 6650 5000 1848 0 9627 4556 72751
BPS-18 56880 8715 5000 2421 0 12157 5753 90925

Salary of Fresh Appointed Employee 2022-23 Sindh


Pay and Allowances Chart Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Fresh Appointed Employee 2022-2023



KP For Peshawar
BPS Basic Pay HRA CA MA Special Allowance 2021 Special Allowance/DRA 2022 @ 15% ARA-2022 @ 15% Total
BPS-01 13550 2,697 1785 1500 1370 1370 22271
BPS-02 13820 2,719 1785 1500 1397 1397 22617
BPS-03 14260 3,542 1785 1500 1442 1442 23970
BPS-04 14690 3,576 1785 1500 1485 1485 24521
BPS-05 15230 3,310 1932 1500 1539 1539 25050
BPS-06 15760 3,640 1932 1500 1593 1593 26018
BPS-07 16310 4,968 1932 1500 3500 1649 1649 31507
BPS-08 16890 5,013 1932 1500 3500 1707 1707 32249
BPS-09 17470 5,066 1932 1500 3500 1766 1766 32999
BPS-10 18050 5,111 1932 1500 3500 1824 1824 33741
BPS-11 18650 6,909 2856 1500 3500 1886 1886 37186
BPS-12 19770 6,990 2856 1500 3500 1998 1998 38612
BPS-13 21160 7,088 2856 1500 3500 2139 2139 40382
BPS-14 22530 8,640 2856 1500 3500 2277 2277 43580
BPS-15 23920 8,741 2856 1500 3500 2418 2418 45353
BPS-16 28070 9,024 5000 1500 3500 2837 2837 52767
BPS-17 45070 12,557 5000 1848 4556 4556 73586
BPS-18 56880 13,590 5000 2421 5753 5753 89396

Integrated Allowance, Washing Allowance, Dress Allowance KP


The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Class IV Employees will also get the following Integrated Allowance, Washing Allowance, and Dress Allowance KP:

Sr. No Name of Allowance Rate of Allowance
1 Integrated Allowance Rs. 600/- PM
2 Washing Allowance Rs. 1000/- PM
3 Dress Allowance Rs. 1000/- PM
House Rent Allowance Rates Khyber Pakhtunkhawa

 Finance Department issued a Notification of an increase in House Rent Allowance 2021 KPK on 07-07-2021. The Rates of HRA is different for Peshawar and the rest of the cities in Khyber Pakhtunkhawa. The rates of HRA admissible for the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa employees are as under:



Basic Pay Scale No Peshawar Other Cities of KPK
BPS-01 2,697/- 2,005/-
BPS-02 2,719/- 2,049/-
BPS-03 3,542/- 2,120/-
BPS-04 3,576/- 2,187/-
BPS-05 3,310/- 2,255/-
BPS-06 3,640/- 2,315/-
BPS-07 4,968/- 2,383/-
BPS-08 5,013/- 2,474/-
BPS-09 5,066/- 2,579/-
BPS-10 5,111/- 2,670/-
BPS-11 6,909/- 2,778/-
BPS-12 6,990/- 2,940/-
BPS-13 7,088/- 3,135/-
BPS-14 8,640/- 3,321/-
BPS-15 8,741/- 3,524/-
BPS-16 9,024/- 4,091/-
BPS-17 12,557/- 6,649/-
BPS-18 13,590/- 8,714/-
BPS-19 18,684/- 13,284/-
BPS-20 23,074/- 15,758/-
BPS-21 27,024/- 17,469/-
BPS-22 32,292/- 18,684/-

Salary of Fresh Appointed Employee in 2022-23 KPK

Deductions from Salary

The above Salary Chart of New Appointed Employee in 2022-23 Pakistan is for the gross salary of Federal, GB, AJK, Balochistan, and Punjab Employees. However, we can get the net salary after deduction of the GP Fund, and Benevolent Fund. For Gazetted employees, we shall also deduct Group Insurance. The rates of Group Insurance and Benevolent Fund subscription I have mentioned in this post.

The Accounts Office deducts from the salary, the following:

  • Group Insurance (Only from Gazetted Employees)
  • Benevolent Fund (BF)
  • General Provident Fund (GP Fund) Subscription
  • Income Tax (Starts from the gross salary of Rs. 50,000/- or more)

Group Insurance

Federal Government has not yet issued the revised rates of Group Insurance Deduction. However, the previous rates of deduction of Group Insurance for Gazetted Federal Government employees are as under:

Sr No Basic Pay Range Amount of Deduction of Group Insurance
1 Up to 5,000 381/-
2 5,001 to 10,000 436/-
3 10,001 to 15,000 490/-
4 15,001 to 20,000 545/-
5 20,001 to25,000 600/-
6 25,001 to 30,000 654/-
7 30,001 to 35,000 709/-
8 35,001 to 40,000 763/-
9 40,001 to 45,000 818/-
10 45,001 to 50,000 872/-
11 50,001 to 55,000 926/-
12 55,001 to 60,000 981/-
13 60,001 to 65,000 1,036/-
14 65,001 & above 1,090/-

Rate of Deduction of Benevolent Fund Federal Employees

Federal Government has not yet issued the revised rates of the Benevolent Fund. However, the previous rates of the monthly deduction of BF for Federal Government employees are as under:

Sr. No. Basic Pay Range  Amount of Monthly Deduction of BF
1 Up to 5,000 120/-
2 5,001 to 5,500 126/-
3 5,501 to 6,000 138/-
4 6,001 to 6,500 150/-
5 6,501 to 7,000 162/-
6 7,001 to 7,500 174/-
7 7,501 to 8,000 186/-
8 8,001 to 8,500 198/-
9 8,501 to 9,000 210/-
10 9,001 to 9,500 222/-
11 9,501 to 11,000 246/-
12 11,001 to 13,000 288/-
13 13,001 to 15,000 336/-
14 15,001 to 17,000 384/-
15 17,001 to 19,000  432/-
16 19,001 to 21,000  480/-
17 21,001 to 23,000  528/-
18 23,001 to 25,000  576/-
19 25,001 to 27,000  624/-
20 27,001 to 29,000  672/-
21 29,001 to 31,000  720/-
22 31,001 to 33,000  768/-
23 33,001 to 35,000  816/-
24 35,00 1 to 37,000  864/-
25 37,001 to 39,000  912/-
26 39,001 and above  960/-

GP Fund Subscription Rates

The employee has also to deduct the GP Fund every month. The new rates have not yet been issued by the Government in 2022. As soon as I get the new revised rates of GP Fund Subscription, I shall update here for the info of the employees. However, the old chart of GP Fund Subscription is as under:

Pay Scale No Monthly Subscription Rates GPF
BS-01 400/- PM
BS-02 710/- PM
BS-03 770/- PM
BS-04 830/- PM
BS-05 890/- PM
BS-06 950/- PM
BS-07 1010/- PM
BS-08 1070/- PM
BS-09 1140/- PM
BS-10 1210/- PM
BS-11 1290/- PM
BS-12 2220/- PM
BS-13 2400/- PM
BS-14 2620/- PM
BS-15 2890/- PM
BS-16 3340/- PM
BS-17 4270/- PM
BS-18 5360/- PM
BS-19 7180/- PM
BS-20 8050/- PM
BS-21 8940/- PM
BS-22 9880/- PM

See also  Latest Updates of Pay & Pension Commission Committee 2020

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27 thoughts on “Salary Chart of New Appointed Employee in 2022-23 Pakistan BPS Wise

  1. Assalam o Alikum sir.i hope you will be fine. I recently appoint as a computer operator bps-15 in punjab. My qualification is BSCS.Is computer allowance applicable on me or not.Thanks

  2. Sir, new recruitment junior clerk(BS-11) in Punjab forest department…..what is the salary detail??
    And also guide me wether i can continue my BS honors along with job??

  3. W.r.t. Finance Division letter dated.14.02.2023, on account of Special Dispensation, Para 1 (a)
    How a BS-1 Scale may be fixed two higher pay scale. Either from 1 to 3 or from 1 to 2 and then 2 to 3.

  4. sir ,
    what is job description of tube well operator of primary and secondary health care department Punjab and tube well operator do any other work? which allowances give tube operator?

  5. Salam Sir, Thanks for sharing this.
    Sir My query is that the employees who will get promotion this year or ahead will there differential Allow or Adhoc Allow 2022 rates change or same is per Sindh Pay Scale Chart????

      1. Punjab government BPS 16 scale me jo ha unki sb ki salary same hoti ha. Ya different hoti ha… Ur BPS 16 ki kitne salary ha total including all bounce etc

        1. Tamam BPS-16 employees ki salary same nahin hoti kuch departments main kuch throray bohat extra allowances bhi hotay hain. Kabhi Kabhi aik teacher BPS-16 aour aour Assistant BPS-16 in Punjab ki salary bhi same nahin ho sakti. Kunkeh teacher teachingg allowance lay raha hota hay.

  6. رفیع اللہ رفیع · Edit

    السلام علیکم ۔آپ نے اس پر بہت محنت کی ہے۔ اللہ پاک آپ کو جزائے خیر عطا فرمائے ۔ آمین ثم آمین ۔

  7. Chaudhry Ubaidullah Toor · Edit

    Too high salaries, how they gonna save these heavy amounts in their homes or even banks can’t have vast space to accommodate. “Halal income” in PAKISTAN to feed family, to fulfill their basic needs, a dream?
    Kindly have some mercy on civilians who get nothing but peanuts to survive.


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