Clarification Policy Grant Time Scale BPS-01 to BPS-16 (pay & Allowances)

Government of Pakistan, Finance Division issued an office memorandum on 12-08-2022 in connection with Clarification Policy Grant Time Scale BPS-01 to BPS-16 (pay & Allowances). According to this policy clarification, the employees are entitled to get the pay and allowances of a new scale. They will also get all other benefits of the upgraded post. Before this on getting time scale promotion only the basic pay of the new scales, employee got.

Clarification Policy Grant Time Scale BPS-01 to BPS-16

The undersigned direct refers to the Ministry of Science and technology O.M No. 6(1)/2022-Estt.I, dated 19.07.2022 on the subject noted above. Undersigned says that this Division’s O.M dated 28-05-2022 is very much clear. However, the reply is as under:-


Query Reply
Whether APSs are entitled to draw benefits of BS-17 i.e. perks/privileges, rental ceiling/house rent allowance/ medical facility, or otherwise. On award of time scale, the civil servant will be entitled to pay & allowances sanctioned for that higher time scale including perks/ privileges, rental ceiling/ House Rent Allowance/ allowance / medical facilities.

These benefits are only for the employees as per the subject policy. The employees who have already got Time Scale Promotion before this new policy will have no effect on it. Departments have also asked employees to give the certificate. There is an option whether they will adopt a new policy or the otherwise old one.


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Clarification Policy Grant Time Scale BPS-01 to BPS-16 (pay & Allowances)

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2 thoughts on “Clarification Policy Grant Time Scale BPS-01 to BPS-16 (pay & Allowances)

  1. Weather the employees who are regular in BS Scales in Nadra. Are entitled for this or not? Because this has not been put into consideration yet where all employees are now in more than 12 years awaiting for upgradation or promotions. Please clear this.


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