Clarification Admissibility Advance Increments of B.Ed/M.Ed

Government of the Punjab, Finance Department issued a Notification on 12-08-2022 in connection with Clarification Admissibility Advance Increments of B.Ed/M.Ed. You will know about whether you will get the advance increments of Higher Qualification of B.Ed / M.Ed or not. The details are as under:

Clarification Admissibility Advance Increments of B.Ed/M.Ed

Here in the clarification, we shall discuss the two main questions these are as under:

  • Advance Increments on Upgradation of Posts/On Acquiring B.Ed
  • Entitlement for one Increment of M.A as S.V Teacher

Advance Increments on Upgradation of Posts/On Acquiring B.Ed


The query of the Administrative Department


Education Department appointed Mr. Nadeem Hussain as EST on the basis of F. A and C.T w.e.f. 08.04.1989 after that Government upgraded the post of EST in BS-14 w.e.f. 26.06.1990 on the basis of having a B.A/B.Sc. He got two advance increments on acquiring B. Ed on 05.12.1997 District Accounts Officer T.T Singh has sought clarification on whether the two advance increments will be admissible to Mr. Nadeem Hussain on acquiring B. Ed or not.

Reply/ Stance of the Finance Department


After approval of Competent Authority, Finance Department issued a letter dated 19.01.2022 (copy enclosed) whereby PST/EST Teachers who declared entitled to grant of advance increments in the light of para 15 (i & ii) of a letter dated 25.08.1983 (copy enclosed) Further, EST/PST/S.V Teacher, were granted two advance increments on acquiring the degree of M.A/M.Sc vied letter dated 31.01.1988 (Copy enclosed). The letter dated 31.01.1988 was issued in pursuance of a letter dated 25.08.19  (copy enclosed) hence, the increment granted under the letter dated 31.01.1988 has also been restored in light of FD’s letter No. FD.SRV.21-36/17 dated 19.01.2022.

See also  Copy of Budget Speech Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) dated May 2024

In view of the above, the incumbents in entitled to grant two advance increments on acquiring a B.Ed degree in the light of FD’s letter No.FD.PR.12-5/84 dated 31.01.1988 (Copy enclosed).

Entitlement for one Increment of M.A as S.V Teacher




In another case, Education Department Punjab appointed Mr. Shahid Mehmood as S.V teacher B.A/B. Ed in BS-14, He passed M.A Education on 08.03.1995 and got one advance increment on 08.07.1995. The District Accounts Officer, Toba Tek Singh has sought advice on whether Mr.Shahid Mehmood will get one increment of M.A as an S.V teacher or not.




The incumbent has the right of entitlement to grant of one advance increment on acquiring the degree of M.A in the light of FD’s letter No.FD.PR.12-5/84 dated 31.01.1988 (Copy enclosed).


I have already written a detailed article on the topic of qualification required for advance increments. This article will also help you to understand the situation of this new clarification of the Finance Department Punjab.


Clarification Admissibility Advance Increments of B.Ed/M.Ed



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2 thoughts on “Clarification Admissibility Advance Increments of B.Ed/M.Ed

  1. Sir
    The appointment policy of my office for library cadre posts is as under
    1. Library Assistant BPS-12
    (Required qualification: BA and 6 months certificate in Library Science)
    2. Assistant Librarian BPS-16
    (Required qualification BA and one year Diploma in Library and Information Science)
    3. Librarian BPS-17
    (Required qualification MA Library and information science
    I was appointed as Library Assistant BPS-12
    Later on, In 2000, with the prior permission of my office, I acquired 1 year Diploma in Library and Information Science.
    Is my diploma in library and information science will be considered higher qualification for 2 advance increments.


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