Employment on Contract Basis under PMAP

Government of Pakistan, Cabinet Secretariat, Establishment Division issued a Notification on 26-08-2022 in connection with Employment on Contract Basis under PMAP for Govt employees who die while in service. The details are as under:

Employment on Contract Basis under Prime Minister Assistance package


The undersigned is directed to refer to Ministry of Defence (Defence Division), Rawalpindi O.M. No. 1/43/D-3(A-III)/2021 dated 22.10.2021 and 16.03.2022 on the subject captioned above and to state that the requisite clarification as desired is as under:


Sr. No. Queries Yes/No No
1. Whether the lady is entitled to service after her marriage or otherwise. Yes The daughter of the deceased employee is entitled to service after her marriage under PMAP.
2. Whether or not a married daughter of an employee who dies in service is entitled to employment under PMAP. Yes A married daughter of a deceased employee is entitled to employment under PMAP.
3. If a widow / one child of the deceased employee gets a job on a regular basis during their contractual appointment, whether or not will another child is entitled to a contractual appointment under PMAP? No The said facility is available for only one family member of the deceased employee under PMAP.

Summary of the Office Memorandum

According to the above facts, we can conclude as under:

  • The jobs under Prime Minister Assistance Package are also for the married daughter
  • An unmarried daughter if gets the job and during service, if she marries she will continue her job
  • If the child who was appointed under the assistance package gets regular jobs, no other child is eligible for the contract job as a first child has already availed the chance
See also  Wafaqi Mohtsib Decision Regarding Assistance Package


Employment on Contract Basis under PMAP


There were many questions, that whether the lady will continue her job if she marries during the job that she got under the Prime Minister Assistance package. Now it is clear that she will continue.

Secondly, the married daughter can also get a job under PMAP.

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