Notification of No FCA FPA up to 300 Units and Who Already Paid Adjustable

Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Energy (Power Division) issued a Notification on 03-09-2022 in connection with No FCA FPA up to 300 Units and Who Already Paid Adjustable. The details are as under:

No FCA FPA up to 300 Units and Who Already Paid Adjustable


The undersigned is hereby directed to convey the PM directions conveyed vide letter dated 3rd September 2022 regarding fuel Charges Adjustment (FCA) to be charged in August 2022 billing month to the electricity consumers of XWDISCOs and KE.


  1. DISCOs and K-Electric are directed to implement the following with immediate effect:

Non-ToU Domestic Non-Protected consumers having 201-300 units of consumption shall not pay any FCA in the August 2022 billing month.

  1. Keeping in view the above criteria, it is further directed to:


a) Revise the already issued unpaid bills for the month of August 2022 and extend the due date.

b) issue the credit of FCA in September 2022 billing month to the consumers who have already paid their bills for the month of August 2022.


The above instructions convey for necessary preparations, implementation, and compliance please.


What do the Customers do?


The customers have to do nothing; they will just have to keep an eye on the following:

  • If their electricity consumed units are more than 300 then they will have to pay the Fuel Price Adjustment charges.
  • If the consumers have used up to 300 electricity units, they will have no pay no FPA charges
  • In the same way, if the consumers have already paid the bills with up to 300 units consumed, with a fuel price adjustment, the FPA bill amount the WAPDA will adust in the coming bill. They will have to no more worry or visit the WAPDA Offices for correction.
  • This action will give a big relief to the consumers who use fewer electricity units.
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No FCA FPA up to 300 Units and Who Already Paid Adjustable



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