Latest Notification Policy Time Scale Civil Servants BPS-01 to BPS-16

Government of Pakistan, Finance Division Regulation Wing issued an Office Memorandum on 12-09-2022 in connection with Latest Notification Policy Time Scale Civil Servants BPS-01 to BPS-16. This latest OM clarifies the following points regarding the Time Scale to all civil servants of the Federal Government Basic Pay Scale 01 to 16. The details are as under:

Latest Notification Policy Time Scale Civil Servants BPS-01 – 16

The undersigned is directed to refer to M/o No. 4/33/D-22/2022, dated 30-08-2022 on the subject noted above and to say that this Division’s O.M dated 28-05-2022 is clear and as per Sr.No. “o”.

Irrevocable Option for BPS-01-04/Drivers/Dispatch Riders/Superintendent’s/Health Personnel

“A civil servant who is already availing the benefit of Time Scale Policy or move up / placement to higher grades like in case of a civil servant in BPS-01 to BPS-04, Drivers/ Sipatch Riders, Superintendent and health personnel, he/she has to give irrevocable option whether he/she want to continue with old time scale/ move up the scale of employees / placement or new time scale policy.”


Irrevocable Option for Trained Graduate Teachers (TGTs)


However, it is clarified that Trained Graduate Teachers (TGT) (BPS-16) may opt new policy of time scale if they wish. But for that, they will give irrevocable options. The period for the requisite length of service will start from the date when they will give under-taking or option in the new policy. After that on completion of 10 years of service, they will be eligible for the First Time Scale.

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Commencing of Period for Requisite Length of Service

According to the above statement, the Period for Requisite Length of Service will start with effect from the date; the TGTs will give an option certificate.


Latest Notification Policy Time Scale Civil Servants BPS-01 to BPS-16




Federal Government has allowed the Time Scale Promotion Policy for the Federal Government employees of BPS-01 to BPS-16. But there are some technical issues. These include the move up of employees, upgradation, and some others that the employees are already availing. Now the employees of such type have to give the option of whether they will adopt their existing time scale policy or a new one.  Various departments have already asked the employees to provide the option certificates. Government has to make the procedure simple as many employees are unaware of the benefits of new and old TSP.


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