BISE Multan Enrolment Schedule 2022-24 for Class XI

Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education Multan issued the BISE Multan Enrolment Schedule 2022-24 for Class XI (Class 1st Year). BISE Multan issues the schedule for enrolment of students for Intermediate (Part 1). The Government colleges, Higher Secondary, and affiliated colleges in the range of BISE Multan should follow the schedule. The details are as under:

BISE Multan Enrolment Schedule 2022-24 for Class XI (1st Year)

Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Multan has released a schedule for Enrolment/ Registration of students in class XI. All the government schools, colleges of Multan board& affiliated Institutes have to work accordingly.  This schedule is given as under:

Schedule for enrolment for Intermediate-I.


Sr. No. Schedule Last Date

Enrolment without Late Fee


10-09-2022 to



Enrolment with a Late fee of Rs. 500 Per Student

(Payable to Board)


25 -10-2022 to



Enrolment Fee


Rs. 1000/- Per Student

Processing + Sports + Scholarship fee + Development Fund


Rs. 1180/- per Student

   *In the case of late declaration of result, Enrolment return should be submitted within 15 days after declaration of result.

Enrolment fee: Rs. 1000 + Rs. 1180 Processing fee Total  Rs. 2180/-

Online Enrolment


The website of BISE Multan is open till  23-10-2022.

Instructions for Institutes


  • Submit a Hard copy of the Computerised Challan Form and Computerised Return after online enrolment before the given deadline. In case of not submitting hard copies within the last date, Rs. 500 per day will be charged to Institute.
  • If the student belonged to another Board, Send NOC with enrolment.
  • For readmission in part first, cancel the previous exam result of part first within 15 days after the announcement of the result.
  • For correction in data after enrolment, contact the board office.
  • For changing subject/ group before starting the date of examination schedule,  the fee schedule is as follows
  • For changing group:   Rs. 2500
  • For changing the subject: Rs. 2000 per subject
  • The fee for the correction of the photo is Rs. 1050. l.
  • Students from other board areas should be admitted within 45 days after leaving a higher secondary School or College.


BISE Multan Enrolment Schedule 2022-24 for Class XI


Multan Board Enrolment Schedule 2022-24 for Class XI


BISE Multan Enrolment Schedule 2022-24 for Class XI 1st Year

See also  BISE Bahawalpur Amended Registration Schedule 2020-22

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