Revised Rates of Exam Duties Supervisory Staff, Marking Staff BISE Multan

Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education Multan issued a Notification on 07-10-2022 in connection with Revised Rates of Exam Duties Supervisory Staff, Marking Staff BISE Multan. The new rates of Remuneration Charges are effective from SSC/HSSC 1st Annual Examinations 2023. Multan Board has also decided to increase the rates of services charges for students i.e Correction of Name, DOB, Certificates fee etc. The rates for such services are effect from 7th Oct 2022.

Revised Rates of Exam Duties Supervisory Staff, Marking Staff BISE Multan


Supervisory Staff (Matric + Intermediate)


Sr.No. Description Approved Enhanced Rates in Rs.
1. Superintendent Double-   1560

Single –     1200

2. Dy. Superintendent Double-   1200

Single –     1840

3. Invigiltor Double-   840

Single –     660

4. Daftri 150 Per Working Day
5. Seating Arranger 1000 Lump Sump
6. Charges of collection of Q.P & Submission of A.S From Bank to Centre to Bank Double-   200

Single –    150

Making Staff (Matric)


Sr.No. Description Approved Enhanced Rates in Rs.
1. Head Examiner . 48 per copy

. 42 per copy (Upto 50% marks)

.300 supervision Fee per sub examiner

. 20% fee checked copies

. Test of 10 copy per examiner

2. Sub Examiner . 48 per copy

. 42 per copy (Upto 50% marks)

3. Single Examiner . 48 per copy

. 42 per copy

4. Marking Supervisor 1200 per Day
5. Assistant-cum-Super Checker 04 Per copy
6. Position/ Re Checkers 15 per copy + Conveyance Allowance @ Rs.500/- for local / TA for out Stationers
7. Special Checker 10 per copy + Conveyance Allowance @ Rs.500/- for local / TA for out Stationers
8. Attendant 300 per day
9. Waterman 200 per day
10. Sweeper 200 per day
11. Security Guard 200 per day

Making Staff (Intermediate)


Sr.No. Description Approved Enhanced Rates in Rs.
1. Head Examiner . 55 per copy

. 45 per copy (Upto 50% marks)

.300 supervision Fee per sub examiner

. 20% fee checked copies

. Test of 10 copy per examiner

2. Sub Examiner . 55 per copy

. 45 per copy (Upto 50% marks)

3. Single Examiner . 55 per copy

. 45 per copy

4. Marking Supervisor 1200 per Day
5. Assistant-cum-Super Checker 04 Per copy
6. Position/ Re Checkers 15 per copy + Conveyance Allowance @ Rs.500/- for local / TA for out Stationers
7. Special Checker 10 per copy + Conveyance Allowance @ Rs.500/- for local / TA for out Stationers
8. Attendant 300 per day
9. Waterman 200 per day
10. Sweeper 200 per day
11. Security Guard 200 per day

Practical Staff


Sr.No. Description Approved Enhanced Rates in Rs.
1. Lab Assistant (Inter) . 05 (Phy, Che, Bio) per student

. 04 (HPED, Stat, Home Economics, Geography, Philosophy)

2. Lab Attendant (Matric) 200 Per Day

Resident Inspector / Distributing Inspector


Sr.No. Description Approved Enhanced Rates in Rs.
1. Resident Inspector

(Theory / Exam)

Double- 1100

Single – 600

Maximum 18000

2. Resident Inspector (Marking Matric/Inter) 400 per day

Maximum 18000

3. Distributing Inspector (Theory 1st Annual) Double- 1200

Single – 900

Maximum 18000

4. Distributing Inspector (Theory 2nd Annual) Double- 1200

Single – 900

Maximum 16000

5. Member Board (For inspection of Theory Examination Centers in Lieu of Conveyance Allowance/Charges) Double- 1500

Single – 1000

Maximum 30000

(1st annual)

Maximum 22000

(2nd Annual)

Enhancement of Fee/Service Charges

The enhancements of fee/services charges are effective with immediate effect i.e 7th October 2022. The main services are as under:

  • Rates of Fee / Service Charges
  • Change of Date of Birth
  • Correction /Change in Name
  • Change /Correction in Father Name
  • Correction in Spelling in Result Car/Certificate (Name & Father Name)
  • SSC Admission Fee
  • HSSC Admission Fee for Government Colleges / Affiliated Colleges


Download Full Notification of New Duty Rates and Fees Multan Board


Revised Rates of Exam Duties Supervisory Staff, Marking Staff BISE Multan

See also  Withdrawn of Notification Time Scale Promotion and Recovery of Payment

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