Anomaly in Disparity Reduction Allowance 2022 on Promotion / Upgradation KPK

Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhawa Finance Department issued a Notification on 12-10-2022 in connection with the removal of Anomaly in Disparity Reduction Allowance 2022 on Promotion / Upgradation KPK.  There were examples that the new appointed employees in a particular BPS got more DRA-2022 as compared to the promoted/upgraded employees into the same pay scale.  To remove this issue the Finance Department KPK issued this clarification Notification.

Removal Anomaly in Disparity Reduction Allowance 2022 on Promotion / Upgradation KPK

I direct to refer to this Department’s earlier Notification dated 12-04-2022 regarding the grant of Disparity Reduction Allowance DRA-2022 @ 15% of the basic Pay Scales 2017. All the Civil Servants in BPS-01 to BPS-19 got this allowance subject to the terms and conditions laid down therein.

An issue with the Promoted/Upgraded Employees


                Finance Department froze said allowance on 1st March 2022. Resultantly, the employees whom concerned departments promoted to the next scales receive the same old amount of DRA as was admissible in their previous scales. On other hand, those employees whom departments appointed freshly receive more amount in their respective scales, which is an anomaly.

Removal of Anomaly


                Keeping in view the above position, the following clarification FD issues to remove the anomaly once and for all:-


                “All the new entrants fulfilling the terms & conditions of the said notification shall also be allowed Disparity reduction Allowance 2022 at the rate of 15% of the minimum of relevant basic pay scales 2017 on the notional basis with effect from 01-03-2022 till further orders and shall stand frozen at the same level.”

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More Beneficial Disparity Reduction Allowance


Moreover, in case of promotion, the employees may be given the benefit of Disparity Reduction Allowance 2022 whichever is more beneficial i.e DRA @ 15% calculated on a notional basis of the minimum of basic pay scales 2017 to which the employee has been promoted or of the DRA @ 15% already been drawn by the employee in lower scale before their promotion.

Who Are New Entrants?


                Further new entrants mean those entrants who assume the charge of the higher grade on account of the up-gradation of a post, promotion, or fresh /direct recruitment.



                Keeping in view the above clarification, we can conclude that we shall calculate the DRA-2022 in two ways:

  • The already getting DRA-2022 in the previous pay scale
  • 15% of the initial of 2017 pay scales for the up-graded/promoted pay scale

Whichever amount is greater we shall allow to that employees.  In this way, the employee may get more financial benefits.


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Anomaly in Disparity Reduction Allowance 2022 on Promotion Upgradation KPK

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