The Latest Clarification Grant of Time Scale Policy BPS-01 to BPS-16 Federal

Government of Pakistan, Finance Division issued a Notification on 17-10-2022 in connection with The Latest Clarification Grant of Time Scale Policy BPS-01 to BPS-16 Federal Govt employees. The details are as under:

The Latest Clarification Grant of Time Scale Policy BPS-01 to BPS-16 Federal Employees


The subject of the latest notification is as under:


Policy for grant of time scale to civil servants to BPS-01 to BPS-16 of all Civil Servants of the Federal Government


The Ministry of Interior asked three queries and the replies to those queries Finance Division gave.  The undersigned direct to refer to Ministry of Interior O.M. F.No.3/74/2022-ICT-I dated 20-09-2022 on the subject noted above and to say that reply is as under:


Queries and Their Replies


Sr. No. Queries Replies
a) Proper explanation of Para-2 (f) of O.M. No. 9(7) R-1/ 2014-233/2022, dated 28-05-2022 issued by the Finance Division. Para-2(f) is clear and self-explanatory, On promotion, the civil servant is required to shoulder higher responsibilities whereas on granting the time Scale, the civil servant will remain to perform the same responsibilities, However, the incumbent will avail financial benefits of the next scale.
b) Whether Policy for time-scale promotion to civil Servants is equally applicable for uniformed police personnel whose services are governed under police Rules, 1934 and Police Act, 1851 as adopted by ICT Police or otherwise? Time scale Policy is applicable to all Civil Servants (BPS-01 to BPS-16) of the Federal Government, whose terms and conditions are governed under the Civil Service Act, of 1973.
c) The definition/classification of Civil Servant falls under said category. Clause 2, sub-para 1(b) of the Civil Service Act, 1973 provides a comprehensive definition of “civil servant”.
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Para-2 (f) of OM dated 28-05-2022?


The para-2 (f) of Om dated 28th May 2022 regarding Notification Policy Grant Time Scale Promotion Federal Employees BPS-01 to BPS-16 says as under:


Grant of time scale shall not be considered as promotion within the meaning of Section-9 of the Civil Servants Act 1973.


Clause 2, sub-para 1(b) of Civil Service Act, 1973


The Clause 2, sub-para 1(b) of the Civil Service Act, 1973 is as reproduced under:


“civil servant” means a person who is a member of an All-Pakistan Service or of a civil service of the Federation or who holds a civil post in connection with the affairs of the Federation, including any such post connected with defence, but does not include-


  • .a person who is on deputation to the Federation from any Province or other authority;
  • (ii) a person whom Govt employees on a contract, or on a work-charged basis or who Govt pays him from contingencies; or
  • (iii) a person who is a “worker” or “workman” as defined in the Factories Act, 1934(XXV of 1934), or the Workman’s Compensation Act, 1923. (VIII of 1923).


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The Latest Clarification Grant of Time Scale Policy BPS-01 to BPS-16 Federal

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