Summary Provision of Regular Appointment under Prime Minister Assistance Package


I am here sharing the Summary of Provision of Regular Appointment under Prime Minister Assistance Package for the families of Government servants who die while in service.

Summary of Provision of Regular Appointment under PM Assistance Package

The appointment package for the families of deceased Government employees

The rule of appointment for the family of deceased employees was introduced in 2006. According to the rule, if any Government employee is deceased during the service, the widow/widower or any of the children of a deceased family member will be appointed in service for a scale from 01 to 15. There were amendments made with time in this rule. But still, there were many controversial points.  This is why the matter was again taken into sight.  New amendments were made to the Prime Minister’s Assistant Package.


The summary of the amendments and provision of Regular Appointment has been sent to the Prime Minister.  The context of the letter reads as:

  1. The Assistant package was interviewed in 2006 to compensate the bereaved families of deceased Government Employees who die in service. The Assistant Package was titled “Prime Minister’s Assistant Package” (PMAP). Up till now, these (03) Packages have been introduced which are currently in the field as follows:


Three PM Assistance Packages


  • Establishment Division’s O.M.No.7/40/2005-E-2, dated 13-06-2006 (Annex-I) (Effective from 01-07-2005 to 14-06-2013)
  • Establishment Division’s O.M.No. 8/10/2013-E -2, dated 20-10-2014 (Annex-II) (Effective from 15-06-2013 to 14-06-2013)
  • Establishment Division’s O.M.No. 8/10/2013-E-2, dated 04-12-2015 (Annex-III) (Effective from 09-02-2015 till date)
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  1. One of the salient provisions of all three PMAPs includes Employment for Posts in BS-15 without an advertisement to a widow/widower or one child of the deceased family member,  issued vide O.M. dated 15-03-2008 (Annex IV), read with subsequent amendment, that provides “Employment for Posts in BS-01 to BS-15 on five years contract appointment without advertisement which may further be extendable till the age of superannuation or regularized as the case may be”. The package, however, does not provide any mechanism or procedure for the Regularization of the said employees.
  2. It is imperative to mention that the provision/ facility of “Employment “, under all three PMAPs is inconsistent and provides different employment opportunities. For instance,  PMAP-2006 and PMAP -2015 provides contractual appointment. On the other hand, PMAP -2014 provides regular appointments. The above inconsistency among PMAPs has opened the door for Litigation.
  3. Notwithstanding the facts narrated above, the method of appointment for posts in BS-01 to BS-15 is laid down in Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion, and Transfer) Rules,  The rule provides parameters and eligibility criteria to be observed beforehand appointment against the relevant post in BS-01 to BS-15 by appointing authority designated under Rule -6 of APT Rules, 1973 referred ibid (Annex-VI).
  4. In order to bring conformity under the item “Employment “ in all three (03) Prim Minister’s Assistant Package, Establishment Division proposes as under:


The Proposal of Establishment Division


  • The provision of “Contract Appointment “ under PMAP-2015 shall be replaced with “Regular Appointment” with immediate effect, in accordance with Civil Servants (Appointment,  Promotion, and Transfer) Rules, 1973, except the condition of Advertisement which has already been relaxed by the Prime Minister.
  • In case of Regular Appointment under PMAP-2015, if the applicant fails to pass the aptitude /skill test required for a specific Post up to BS-15 under Civil Servants (APT) Rules, 1973, the opportunity of Regular Appointment shall be extended to the next lower posts.
  • The services of Contract employees Appointed under PMAP-2006 and PMAP-2015, who are still working under the existing contract, maybe Regularized with immediate effect, as a one-time dispensation.
  1. The approval of the Prime Minister is solicited for the proposal made vide Para-5/N of the summary,
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As we can see that the matter of the Prime Minister’s Assistant Package has been deeply examined by the authorities, and it has now been amended.  According to the amendments, the relaxation of appointments without advertisement is still available. Whereas, the candidate must pass the aptitude/skill test for a specific.  In another case, the opportunity will be provided on the next lower post. The employees in service under the PMAP rule of 2006, 2014 or 2015, will be Regularized with immediate effect.


Summary Provision of Regular Appointment under Prime Minister Assistance Package

Summary Provision of Regular Appointment under PM Assistance Package



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