Latest Clarification of Advance Increments on Acquiring Higher Qualification

Government of the Punjab, Finance Department issued a Notification on 14-11-2022 in connection with the Latest Clarification of Advance Increments on Acquiring Higher Qualifications. The details are as under:

The Latest Clarification of Advance Increments on Acquiring Higher Qualification


I direct to refer to your letter No. IT.FD(TT)9-2/2020 dated 11-10-2022 on the subject cited above.

The case has been examined; Finance Department observes that the scheme of advance increments on acquiring the higher qualification has been discontinued with effect from 1st December 2001. As far as, Finance Department’s letter No. FD.PR.12-2/87(PT.IV) dated 22-01-1998 is concerned, there is no change in the policy of the Government of Punjab, the incumbents who acquired higher qualifications irrelevant to their field prior to letter dated 22-01-1998 are exempted from the condition of irrelevant/related field qualification.

                In the instant case, the incumbents acquired higher qualifications on 27th December 1994 prior to the issuance of the letter dated 22-01-1998; hence, they are entitled to advance increments of F.A qualification in terms of the Finance Department’s letter No. FD.PC.2-2/91 dated 01-08-1991.


Explanation of the Notification


This is the latest clarification of the Advance Increments on acquiring the higher qualification. The letter says that if any employee did higher qualification before 22nd January 1998 in any field is eligible for advance increments and if he/she did so after the said date till 30-11-2001 is also eligible for advance increments but if did in the relevant subjects.

General Clarification of Advance Increments


See also  Minutes of the Meeting of Secretaries Committee Regarding Increase Salaries Federal Govt Employees

It is general clarification that if any employee did higher qualification prior to 01-12-2001 and got a government job after 1st December 2001 is not eligible for advance increments. In the same way, if an employee appointed before 01-12-2001 and got higher qualification after 01-12-2001 is also not eligible for advance increments of higher qualification. The employee can get advance increments only if his/her appointment and higher qualification are prior to 1st December 2001.

Special Thanks: Mr. Muhammad Rashid


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Latest Clarification of Advance Increments on Acquiring Higher Qualification

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