Grant of Conveyance Allowance during Leave including LPR and Vacations

Government of the Punjab, School Education Department issued a Notification on 13-12-2022 in connection with the Grant of Conveyance Allowance during Leave including LPR and Vacations. The details are as under:


Grant of Conveyance Allowance during Leave including LPR and Vacations


The Section Officer writes to all the Chief Executive Officers, District Education Authorities Punjab regarding circulating the notification of the Finance Department about Allowance depicts.  The Section Officer, School Education Department Punjab, guides the above said Authorities about the allowance of Conveyance for the officers on leave. The text of the title is mentioned as under:-


  1. “I am directed to refer to the subject “Grant of Conveyance Allowance During Leave Including leave Probe To Retirement And Vacations”.
  2. I am directed to refer to the subject noted above and to enclose herewith a copy of letter no. 1061- so( SR )5/77 Dated 18.8.1977 received from deputy Secretary Government of Punjab finance department.
  3. l am further directed to circulate the notification issued by the finance department in which Allowance depicts that it has been decided that these Allowances are not admissible during include leave Preparatory to Retirement and vacation. Officers of the vocation department who are required to attend their officer’s Duties during vacations (or part thereof) would be entitled to draw the car/scooter maintenance allowance and conveyance allowance for such period during vacation as is confirmed by the head of the institution/ Departments to have been spending on duty.
  4. I am directed to request circulate that paragraph no. 2 of this letter may be read certain and followed strictly. “
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                 As decided by the authorities of the Finance Department, the officers / Employees who are on leave Preparatory to Retirement or on vacation shall not get the Conveyance Allowance. The officers/Employees who are performing duties during vacations shall get the allowance for the maintenance of their car or scooter.  The conveyance allowance during vacations shall have to be spent on duty. Further, the Section Officer requests the authorities to circulate the decision and follow the decision strictly.


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Grant of Conveyance Allowance during Leave including LPR and Vacations

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