Notification Revised Remuneration Charges 2023 Supervisory Staff Federal Board

Federal Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education Islamabad issued a Notification on 05-01-2022 in connection with Revised Remuneration Charges 2023 Supervisory Staff FBISE. The details are as under:

Revised Remuneration Charges Rates 2023 Supervisory Staff Federal Board (FBISE)

The Board of Governors enhances the numeration of supervisory staff. The following remuneration is approved by the Board of Governors.

Supervisory Staff




Categories Existing Rates in Rs. SSC/HSSC Approved Rates in Rs.


Center Superintendent

Category-I (below 15kms)

Single Shift Double


Single shift Double shift
1. 2000 3000 3000 4500
2. Center Superintendent



2600 3900 3500 5000
3. Center Superintendent



3000 4500 4000 6000
4. Center Superintendent

Category-iv (61-124kms)

3500 5250 4500 6500
5. Center Superintendent

Category-V (beyond 125kms)

1700 + DA/TA 1100 + DA/TA
6. Deputy Superintendent

Category-I (below 16kmss)

1400 2100 2400 3500
7. Deputy Superintendent

Category-ii (16-30kms)

2000 3000 3000 4500
8. Deputy Superintendent

Category-III (31-60kms)

2400 3600 3500 5000
9. Deputy Superintendent

Category-iv (61-124kms)

3000 4500 4000 5500
10. Deputy Superintendent

Category-V (beyond 125kms)

1300 + DA/TA 1700 + DA/TA
11. Invigilator 1200 1800 1500 2200
12. Clerk 1000 (full exam) 1500 (full exam)
13. Seating Arrangement 700 (full exam) 1000 (full exam)
14. Water Man 225 (per working day) 300 (per shift)
15. Sweeper 175 (per working day) 250 (per shift)
16. Chowkidar 175 (per working day) 250 (per working day)
17. Stationary 1000 (full exam) 2000 (full exam)
18. Mobile Data Charges 1000 (full exam) 1500 (full exam)
19. Cloth  2.00 (Per script) 2.5 (per script)

Practical Examiner


Sr No. Categories Existing Rates in Rs. Approved Rates in Rs.
1. External Practical Examiner

Category-I below 16kms)

2200 3000
2. External Practical Examiner



2400 3200
3. External Practical Examiner

Category-iii (31-60)

2600 3400
4. External Practical Examiner

Category-iv (61-124kms)

2800 3600
5. Category-v (beyond 125kms) 2200 + DA/TA 2200 (per shift – DA/TA)
6. Laboratory


600 800
7. Laboratory Attendant 400 600





Designation Proposed Rates in Rs


Approved Rates in Rs.
Single shift Double shift Single shift Double shift
1. Bank inspector 1000 1500 1500 per day 2200 per day
2. Monitoring staff for inspection of examination


2000 3000 2500
3. Monitoring staff for inspection of examination


(BPS-18 and above)

3000 4000 3500
4. Center inspector 2000 2000 3000
5. Center inspector

(Above 125kms)







6. Box custodian 2000 (per day) + DA/TA
7. Question Paper Dispatcher 2000 (per shift + conveyance allowance

(In case of using of person’s vehicle)

Federal Board Islamabad also issued a Notification on 5th January 2023 regarding Enhancement Remuneration Rates 2023 Examiners for the examinations staff.

Notification Revised Remuneration Charges 2023 Supervisory Staff FBISE


Notification Revised Remuneration Charges 2023 Supervisory Staff Federal Board

See also  Withdraw Notifications Regarding Revision Rates Self Hiring / Hiring of Private Accommodations (House Requisition)

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