New Books for HSSC 2023, Higher Secondary Education Board Karachi

New Books for HSSC 2023 by Higher Secondary Education Board Karachi have been published. The details are as under:

New Books for HSSC 2023, Higher Secondary Education Board Karachi

Higher Secondary Education Board, Karachi issues press release dated 10th January 2023. The press release is regarding the change in course of some subjects. The details are here.

Sindh Textbook Board Publishes New Books for Intermediate


The Higher Secondary Education Board Karachi notifies all the Government and Private Colleges and Higher Secondary schools about the publication of new books. As per information provided by HSE Board, Karachi, new books for some subjects for HSSC (Part 1) have been published.  These new books of specific subjects shall be taught in the following academic session.



The new book for the following subjects has been published:-


  • Mathematics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • English


The newly published books are for the Class 1st Year. And shall be part of the course in the following session and onward.


HSSC-I (Intermediate Part 1) Annual Examination 2023


The Annual Examination 2023 shall be taken according to new books. The Examination for the specific subjects,  mentioned above already, will be based on the newly published books.



The Higher Secondary Education Board Karachi also instruction and suggests the concerned authorities of All Private and Government Colleges and Higher Secondary schools to teach the new books in college. The teachers should teach newly published books and help students make their preparations for Annual Examination 2023.

See also  Revised Schedule of Annual Exams 2022 HSSC-I & II BISE Mirpur AJK


New Books for HSSC 2023, Higher Secondary Education Board Karachi

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