How Much Salary Increase on Upgradation and Time Scale BPS-01 to BPS-16?

I am sharing here the details of the Salary Increase on Upgradation and Time Scale BPS-01 to BPS-16 of Federal Government employees. As per the approved summary of PM for the upgradation and time scale promotion, the employees got benefits from a few rupees to thousands.


Salary Increase on Upgradation and Time Scale BPS-01 to BPS-16

There are the following four categories of employees whose pay we shall fix here:

  • BPS-16 Employees
  • LDC / UDC
  • BPS-01 to BPS-05 Employees
  • BPS-06 to BPS-15 Employees


BPS-16 Employees Pay Increase


The employees working in BPS-16 will get one additional increment. So they will get an increase in a salary equal to 2260/- per month.




The UDC and LDC have got upgradation. They have got regular BPS-13 and BPS-11. So they will get all benefits of pay and allowances and other benefits of their new pay scales. Their pay fixation includes one x next above increment and one x premature increment. As Federal Government employees get Premature Increment on Up-gradation of the post.


Fixation of LDC (Example) and Salary Increase



On upgradation of the post of LDC, they will get the following benefits of pay and allowances:


  • Basic Pay including Premature Increment
  • Increase in House Rent Allowance / Hiring of residential accommodation
  • Conveyance Allowance Increase


Pay Fixations Examples of LDC/UDC


I am sharing here the four examples of each LDC and UDC pay fixation on the upgradation of the post of LDC and UDC

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Pay Fixation of Upgradation of LDC from BPS-09 to BPS-11


Examples Existing Basic Pay  of BPS-09 Next Above Premature Increment New Pay Fixed  BPS-11 Difference
Example 1 (Stage Initial) 17470 18650 1310 19960 2490
2 (Stage 10) 28370 29130 1310 30440 2070
3 (Stage 20) 39270 39610 1310 40920 1650
4 (Stage 30) 50170 51400 1310 52710 2540



Pay Fixation of Upgradation of UDC from BPS-11 to BPS-13


Examples Existing Basic Pay  of BPS-09 Next Above Premature Increment New Pay Fixed  BPS-11 Difference
Example 1 (Stage Initial) 18650 21160 No Premature 21160 2510
2 (Stage 10) 31750 32080 1560 33640 1890
3 (Stage 20) 44850 46120 1560 47680 2830
4 (Stage 30) 57950 58600 1560 60160 2210
Conveyance Allowance Increase LDC


Sr. No Post Existing CA Revised CA Difference
1 LDC 1932 2856 924
2 UDC 2856 2856 0

HRA and Hiring of Residential Accommodation


Sr. No Post Existing HRA/Hiring Revised HRA/Hiring Difference
1 LDC 2579/16403 Isb and 14682 Other Cities 2778/ 24744 Isb and 21462 other cities 199 / 8311 Isb and 6780/- other cities
2 UDC 2778 – No Change in Hiring 3135  – No Change in Hiring 357 HRA only
Fixation of Pay of UDC and Salary Increase


The UDCs will get the following benefits of pay and allowances:

Basic Pay including Premature Increment

House Rent Allowance Only (Hiring will remain the same)


BPS-01 to BPS-05 Employees


As per the approved summary of the upgradation of Federal Employees BPS-01 to BPS-16 the employees of BPS-01 to BPS-05 will get two scale time scales if they have not availed the benefit of the Time Scale 2022 policy. In this way, only the basic pay benefits the employees will get. We shall just check the pay of the employee as next above and no premature increment the employees will get.

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Examples of Pay Fixation
BPS-02 Employee

Basic Pay BPS-02 Employees at seventh stage = 17250/-

New Basic Pay = 17330/-

Difference = 80/- Rupees

Basic Pay BPS-02 Employees at 30th stage = 28520/-

New Basic Pay = 28550/-

Difference = 30/- Rupees


BPS-04 Employee


Basic Pay BPS-04 Employees at seventh stage = 19310/-

New Basic Pay = 19960/-

Difference = 650/-

Basic Pay BPS-04 Employees at 30th stage = 34490/-

New Basic Pay = 35080/-

Difference = 590/-


BPS-06 to BPS-15 Employees (Except LDC/UDC)


BPS-07 Employee


Basic Pay BPS-7 Employees at 30th stage = 43610/-

New Basic Pay = 43890/-

Difference = 280/-

Basic Pay BPS-07 Employees at seventh stage = 22680/-

New Basic Pay = 22890/-

Difference = 210/-


BPS-15 Employee


Basic Pay BPS-15 Employees at seventh stage = 37780/-

New Basic Pay = 39370/-

Difference = 1590/-

Basic Pay BPS-15 Employees at 30th stage = 83320/-

New Basic Pay = 84570/-

Difference = 1250/-

So the employees on Time Scale can get a minimum of a few rupees to maximize the following benefits of each pay scale:


Table of Maximum Increase in Salary

Sr. No Basic Pay Scale  of Employee Maximum Increase
1 BPS-01 430
2 BPS-02 490
3 BPS-03 580
4 BPS-04 660
5 BPS-05 750
6 BPS-06 840
7 BPS-07 910
8 BPS-08 1000
9 BPS-09 1090
10 BPS-10 1190
11 BPS-11 1310
12 BPS-12 1430
13 BPS-13 1560
14 BPS-14 1740
15 BPS-15 1980
16 BPS-16 2260

How Much Salary Increase on Upgradation and Time Scale BPS-01 to BPS-16

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