Notification Schedule of 7th Population Census & Housing (Digital Census)

Pakistan Bureau of Statistics has issued the Schedule of 7th Population Census & Housing (Digital Census) around the country.  The census of population and housing both will be conducted digitally. The Council of Common Interest already approves it. Here are the details.


Schedule of 7th Population Census & Housing (Digital Census) Pakistan


CCI approves the 7th Census of Housing and Population to be conducted Digitally in a meeting on 13th January 2022. In this concern, PBS also initiates the Census activities and Devises a plan to impart training for this census.


Training Plans in Three Tiers


The authorities distribute Census activities and devised plans in three tiers:


  • Training of Master Trainers at Islamabad
  • Training of Trainers at Divisional Level (TOT)
  • Training of Enumerators (TOEs)


The training of Master Trainers has been successfully conducted on 15th December 2022 in Islamabad. Respectively the authorities impart TOTs and TOEs from 7th to 21st January 2023. Pakistan Bureau of Statistics also appreciates the role of local administration in this concern.


Schedule of 7th Population and Housing Census in Pakistan


According to the 6th Population Senses the Ministry issued a list of Papulation-based major cities of Pakistan. Now there will come a new list after the completion of 7th one. The Census Filed Operations was earlier planned to be conducted from 1st February 2023 till 4th March 2023. However, due to some unavoidable circumstances and keeping in view the ground realities, PBS changes the schedule. According to a new schedule,  the 7th Census will be conducted from 1st March 2023 to 1st April 2023.

See also  Notification of Time Scale Promotion to Employees of BPS-05 to BPS-16 Punjab


Meeting Held on 17th January 2023


BS decides the schedule in a meeting held on 17th January 2023 in the Chairmanship Minister for Planning and Development.  They held a meeting in the presence of all committee members including  Chief Secretaries,  Secretaries of relevant departments, and the Director General, of the Military Operations Directorate.

Pakistan Bureau of Statistics also requests concerned authorities to proceed with the activities of the Census according to the plan/schedule from 1st March 2023.  The activities shall resume on 1st April 2023 as per schedule.


I have already shared the details of remuneration charges for the 7th Housing and Population Census for the information of employees.


Schedule of 7th Population Census & Housing (Digital Census)

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