Request for Enhancement Conveyance Allowance for Government Employees

I am sharing here the Request for Enhancement Conveyance Allowance for Government Employees.  All employees of Pakistan are seriously facing the issue of the expenses on their conveyance charges. They are unable to bear the expenses for their conveyance from their homes to offices and back to home.


A Request of the Employees to Increase / Enhancement Conveyance Allowance


The employees are getting the conveyance allowance at the rates in gazette employees since 2011 and non-gazetted employees since July 2014. After that Government did not enhance the CA for Government employees of Pakistan, though the Govt increased petrol/fuel prices many times. If we look at the history of the Conveyance Allowance increase since 1987, the figures are not in favour of the employees.


Gazetted Employees


The Government increased the Conveyance Allowance at the last time for the employees of BPS-16 and above with effect from 1st July 2011 @ 5000/- per month instead of 2480/- per month. Now nearly 12 years gone but there is no increase in the CA of the Gazetted Employees.


CA for Non-Gazetted Employees


                In the same way, the Government increased Conveyance Allowance for non-gazetted employees with effect from 1st July 2014. The rates of increase in CA wef 01-07-2014 for non-gazetted employees are as under:


Table of Conveyance Allowance wef 01-07-2014


Sr. No Basic Pay Scale of Employees Existing Rates of CA Revised Rates of CA
1 BPS-01 to BPS-04 Rs. 1700/- per month Rs. 1785/- per month
2 BPS-05 to BPS-10 Rs. 1840/- per month Rs. 1932/- per month
3 BPS-11 to BPS-15 Rs. 2720/- per month Rs. 2856/- per month
4 BPS-17 and Bove Rs. 5000/- per month Rs. 5000/- per month
See also  Upcoming Adhoc Relief Allowance 2021 and Many Other Allowances KPK

Comparison Chart CA and Petrol Prices


If we compare the petrol prices with the conveyance allowance for employees, we get the following data:


Year Price of Petrol in Rupees Conveyance Allowance for Govt Employees
    B-1 to 4 B-5 to 10 B-11 to 15 BPS-16 & Above
2011 129.9 850 1150 1700 5000/- pm
2012 134.1 1700 1840 2720 5000/- pm
2013 138.9 1700 1840 2720 5000/- pm
2014 130.9 1785 1932 2856 5000/- pm
2015 109.9 1785 1932 2856 5000/- pm
2016 103.9 1785 1932 2856 5000/- pm
2017 117.9 1785 1932 2856 5000/- pm
2018 115.9 1785 1932 2856 5000/- pm
2019 119.9 1785 1932 2856 5000/- pm
2020 119.9 1785 1932 2856 5000/- pm
2021 123.9 1785 1932 2856 5000/- pm
2022 159.9 1785 1932 2856 5000/- pm
2023 249.8 1785 1932 2856 5000/- pm

If we look at the above chart, the petrol prices increased nearly double during the last thirteen years but the Conveyance Allowance for Government employees remained the same.


Expenses on Conveyance for Government employees


The government employees expend much more than the above chart of CA. Their expenses on conveyance are nearly three times as the CA above shown.  We are calculating the CA charges for employees whose house is 10 KM from their workplace. Let’s calculate his expenses during the month:


Total one-way distance = 10 KM

Two-way total distance = 20 KM

Fuel consumption of his/her personal Car = 2 Liters

Total Price of fuel = 500/- Per Day

Total working days for Punjab Govt employees = 25

See also  Over Time Allowance to Staff Car Drivers and Dispatch Riders

Estimated monthly cost = 25 x 500 = 12500/-

Minimum Vehicle Maintenance Charges = 5000/-

Total estimated Expenses per month for conveyance = 17500/-


The Demand of the Employees Regarding CA


Before the Annual Budget, I shared the demand of the employees regarding fuel prices and the increase in Conveyance Allowance in budget 2022-23. Although there were other demands of the employees but only one main demand of the employees, Government accepted. That main demand was the Revsie Basic Pay Scales 2022 for government employees. If we look at the above figures the estimated cost of expenses on the conveyance of an employee per month comes to more than three times the conveyance allowance, the employee is getting. The Government employees hence request the Government to minimum increase the CA by three times the current conveyance allowance.


Enhancement Conveyance Allowance for Government Employees Request of the Employees

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3 thoughts on “Request for Enhancement Conveyance Allowance for Government Employees

  1. If the government pay only salaries in this disaster time, from BPS 17 to 22 it will be enough for these as the salaries are more then enough if government compare from BPS 1 to 16. If 1 to 16 survive in this situation so that 17 to 22 can also be survived

  2. Muhammad Ayaz Chaudhry · Edit

    Excellent Analysis. Govt. must stop Monetization of transport and executive allowance of all Beaucrates Grade 17 to 22 immediately.
    I am not a spam.

  3. This is the urgent need of all employees

    Grade 20 officres who possess residence nearby to their office only some hundred feet also get 65000 Rs monetization allowance and free 3500cc vehicle and petrol.Govt should stop all employees fuel to cover up these economic crisis with all MNAs and MPAs and Ministers also.


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