Notification of Recovery of Short Fall Increments to SSTs

Government of Punjab, Finance Department issued a Notification on 16-01-2023 in connection with the Recovery of Short Fall Increments to SSTs. The details are as under:

Recovery of Short Fall Increments to (Secondary School Teachers) SSTs


I am directed to refer to your letter No.IT(FD)(TT)10-2/2020 dated 26.10.2022,  on the subject cited above.

Finance Department examined the subject case. The Finance Department observes that the incumbent has already availed the benefit of advance increments on acquiring higher qualifications i.e, B.Ed and M.A when he was EST on 12.02.1995. After his promotion as SST, he cannot reclaim the so-called shortfall advance increments on the basis of the same qualification from which he had already got benefited. It is tantamount to a double benefit and the same is not admissible under the rules.

The two shortfall increments that the Secondary School Teachers drew w.e.f. 1996 & 1997 or from any other date after 01.07.1983 are liable to discontinue. The recovery of increments the Offices concerned should make as these increments granted to them were contrary to the above-said policy of the Government.

In view of the above, the Finance Department requests to provide a number of SSTs who are getting such increments. These increments the accounts office should need to recover in forms of recovery. The Finance Department Punjab has informed about the said situation to all concerned.


LDC/UDC Upgradation


The LDC and UDC whom the Finance Division upgraded can get the estimate of salary increase LDC/UDC due to the upgradation of the posts. They can estimate their new basic pay and allowances. In some departments, the employees are getting benefits. On the other side, some departments are deducting the extra paid allowances. Such types of Notifications are part of the service. You can see that some employees got more benefits while others fewer.

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Notification of Recovery of Short Fall Increments to SSTs

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