Notification Grant Executive Allowance BPS-17 to BPS-22 Federal Secretariat and ICT Filed Administration

Government of Pakistan, Finance Division issued a Notification on 17-02-2023 in connection with Grant Executive Allowance BPS-17 to BPS-22 to Federal Secretariat and ICT Filed Administration. The details are as under:

Grant Executive Allowance BPS-17 to BPS-22 Federal Secretariat and ICT


In Continuation of Finance Division’s OM No.10(02)R-3/2018-297 dated 19.07.2022, the undersigned is directed to convey the approval of the Prime Minister for admissibility of Executive Allowance to all BPS 17-22 officers, (excluding Private Secretaries), posted/working in the federal Secretariat, as defined in the rules of Business 1973, as well as Prime Minister’s Office and President Secretariat w.e.f. 01.01.2023 subject to the following conditions:


Terms & Conditions of EA


  1. The Executive Allowance shall remain extended to ICT field Administrative as notified earlier.
  2. The Terms and Conditions for the admissibility of the Executive Allowance shall be the same as other allowances admissible across the board in the Federal government. Paras, vi, vii, and vii of the Finance Division OM of even No. dated 19th July 2022 shall accordingly stand amended.
  3. All other conditions as laid down in Finance Division’s O.M ibid shall remain operative.


  • The employees in the ICT Field Extended employees will also get this allowance.
  • The effective date of this Executive Allowance is 1st January 2023
  • Finance Division has sent a copy of this notification to all concerned offices.
  • The Finance Division has already issued the Notification of Executive Allowance 2022 @ 1.5 times of Basic Pay on 19-07-2022.


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Notification Grant Executive Allowance BPS-17 to BPS-22 Federal Secretariat and ICT Filed




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8 thoughts on “Notification Grant Executive Allowance BPS-17 to BPS-22 Federal Secretariat and ICT Filed Administration

  1. Junaid Mustafa Shaikh · Edit

    Sir I am working in Human Rights Ministry at Karachi in grade 17. I am not getting Executive Allowance however my all counterparts in Islamabad are taking it. Any hope or chance for us as well.

  2. Junaid Mustafa Shaikh · Edit

    Sir any update on this please as pay-role have been ended:
    My question was which subordinate/attached offices of Federal Government departments working in other cities like in Lahore, Karachi, etc are drawing Executive Allowance ? Can you please tell me their names?

  3. Junaid Mustafa Shaikh · Edit

    Sir, actually my question is: which subordinate/attached offices of Federal Government departments working in other cities like in Lahore, Karachi, etc are drawing Executive Allowance ? Can you please tell me their names?

  4. Junaid Mustafa Shaikh · Edit

    Are employees of Federal Government departments working in other cities like in Lahore, Karachi, etc entitled for Executive Allowance ?


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