Relaxation of Ban on Transfer Posting in Punjab 2023

Government of the Punjab, Services and General Administration Department issued a Notification on 20-02-2023 in connection with the Relaxation of the Ban on Transfer Posting in Punjab 2023. The details are as under:


Latest Orders Relaxation of Ban on Transfer Posting in Punjab 2023

The Section Officer (E.S.T.I.) writes a letter to The Secretary,  Higher Education Department,  Government of Punjab. The letter is dated 20-02-2023. The subject of the letter is “Ban on Transfer/Posting “. The details can be found as under.


Services and General Administration Department Punjab  Bans Transfers & Postings


As you know that the High Courts has already ordered to conduct of General Elections in Punjab in 90 days.  Mr. ARIF ALVI, The president of Pakistan,  also confirms the schedule for the General elections. The President announces the date of 9th April 2023 for the General elections in Punjab and KPK. In this connection, the Services and General Administration Department bans all kinds of Transfers/ Postings in Punjab the Department informs other Departments under the Government of Punjab about the decision. The main reason for this kind of step is to avoid misleading elections. The government of Punjab will be formed after the general elections and the authority will remove the bans.


Education Department Requests to Relax the Ban


 Education Department, Government of Punjab,  requested to relax the ban. For this, Higher Education Department, Government of Punjab writes to the authorities. In return, the Services and General Administration Department approves the relaxation and writes back to the Higher Education Department.

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Let’s have a look at the letter from the Services and General Administration Department.

“I  am directed to refer to your letter No. SO.(G)11-331/2023 dated 31.01.2023 on the subject cited above, whereby the Administrative Department has requested for relaxation of the ban to the extent of the following cases:


  1. Posting of newly Recommended Lecturers by PPSC
  2. Transfer Posting of officers/officials who have been recently promoted
  1. Posting of officers/officials who have joined/reported to the Department after availing leave.


I am further directed to request that lists of proposed officers/ officials along with placement plans for transfers / Postings may kindly be furnished,  to proceed further in the matter.


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Relaxation of Ban on Transfer Posting in Punjab 2023

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