By Name Notification of Upgradation Ministerial Staff UDC, LDC, Assistant, Stenotypist

Government of Pakistan Geological Survey of Pakistan issued an office order on 27-02-2023 in connection with By Name Notification of Upgradation Ministerial Staff of Assistant, UDC, UDC, Stenotypist in GSP (Geological Survey of Pakistan).

GSP By Name Notification of Upgradation Ministerial Staff


According to Office Order, in pursuance of the Finance Division (Regulations Wing), Office Memorandum dated 14th Feb 2023 regarding the BPS-01 to BPS-16 employees upgradation and time scale, The competent authority i.e Director General, Geological Survey of Pakistan has been pleased to upgrade the following Ministerial Staff of Geological Survey of Pakistan with effect from 1st January 2023.



Sr. No Name of Post Total Employees Existing Pay Scale Upgraded Pay Scale Remarks
1 Assistant 09 Assistants BPS-15 BPS-16 Granted next Higher pay scale as a one-time dispensation
2 Stenotypist 04 Stenotypists BPS-14 BPS-15 Granted next Higher pay scale as a one-time dispensation
3 Upper Division Clerk (UDC) 27 UDCs BPS-11 BPS-13 Upgraded from BPS-11 to BPS-13
4 Lower Division Clerk (LDC) 32 LDCs BPS-09 BPS-11 Upgraded from BPS-11 to BPS-13


The Pay of the incumbents on up-gradation will be fixed by Divisional Offices including GSP (Headquarters), Quetta in accordance with Rules made /orders issued by Finance Division Govt of Pakistan/Departmental Order. The said incumbents shall be entitled to an annual increment falling on 01-12-2023.


Some Salient Features of Office Orders


As per the above discussion of the office orders, we see that Lower Division Clerk and Upper Division Clerk got regular upgradation. They have permanently upgraded Basic Pay Scales. The new permanent BPS of LDC is now BPS-11 while for UDC it is BPS-13. Other posts have only a one-time dispensation of the next higher pay scale.

See also  Notification of Departmental Promotion Committee Meeting


By Name Notification of Upgradation Ministerial Staff UDC, LDC, Assistant, Stenotypist


By Name OM of Upgradation Ministerial Staff UDC, LDC, Assistant, Stenotypist


By Name Notification of Upgradation Ministerial Staff UDC, LDC, Assistant, Stenotypist GSP


All other federal Government Ministries/Divisions/Departments will issue their own Notifications for the upgradation and higher scale dispensation of their employees.

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