Substitute Subjects of Islamiyat and Translation of Holy Quran for Non-Muslims

The Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Gujranwala has issued a Notification No. 13/23 in connection with Substitute Subjects of Islamiyat and Translation of the Holy Quran. The students can opt for Religious Education in lieu of Islamiyat and the subject of Ethics in place of Translation of the Holy Quran. The details are as under:

BISE Gujranwala Substitute Subjects of Islamiyat and Translation of Holy Quran for Non-Muslims

Pakistan is an Islamic country. The Government of Punjab sets Islamiyat and the Translation of the Holy Qur’an as compulsory subjects for students. These subjects are necessary to make students aware of Religious beliefs. The Subjects “Islamiyat “ & “Translation of Holy Qur’an “ are being taught in Punjab on regular basis. But the choice is available for non-Muslim students.

Board of Intermediate and Religious Education Gujranwala shares a Notification regarding two compulsory subjects. The notification is about Islamiyat and the Translation of the Holy Qur’an. The board issues notification in pursuance of earlier notifications.


Opting of Islamiyat and Translation of the Holy Quran


The Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Gujranwala issue a notification in relation to opting for two very important subjects.  The Board furthermore clarifies the opting of Islamiyat and the Translation of the Holy Qur’an.  Here I will explain the opting for these subjects in detail.


For Muslims


For Muslims, Islamic subjects “Islamiyat” & “Translation of Holy Qur’an “, both are necessary. Both subjects are compulsory for Muslim students. Muslim students do not have any other options to replace these compulsory subjects.

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For non-Muslims


The students who are non-Muslims, they more options to replace Islamiyat and “Translation of Holy Qur’an”. They can opt for “Religious Education” in lieu of Islamiyat and “Ethics” in lieu of Translation of the Holy Qur’an.


The students can get more information regarding the scheme of studies translation Holy Quran and total marks for their guidance. All other boards of Punjab will also issue their own Notifications in this regard soon.

Substitute Subjects of Islamiyat and Translation of Holy Quran

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