By Name Notification Grant Higher Scale / Up-gradation Ministry of Commerce

Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Commerce issued a Notification on 01-03-2023 in connection with the By Name Notification Grant Higher Scale / Up-gradation Ministry of Commerce. The details are as under:



Ministry of Commerce By Name Notification Grant Higher Scale


Ministry of Commerce orders for Up-gradation of 250 employees to the next Higher level. Hence, the Department, in Office Order mentions each employee’s name and post and Up-gradation level. Here are the details.


Ministry of Commerce Upgrades Officials


The Ministry of Commerce recently issued an order regarding the Up-gradation of officials. The Ministry of Commerce issues by name notification for the 250 officials’ Up-gradation. These Officials are working on different scales. The notification contains information regarding the next scale Up-gradation. The up-gradation is under one Time Dispensation.  The Prime Minister approves this Up-gradation. The details about posts and the total number of officials being upgraded are as follows:


Sr. No Name of Post Existing Pay Scale Up-gradation scale No. of officials
01 Assistant BPS-15 BPS-16 38
02 Stenotypist BPS-14 BPS-15 20
03 Data Entry Operator BPS-14 BPS-15 02
04 Driver BPS-05 BPS-07 21
BPS-04 BPS-06 10
BPS-07 BPS-08 02
BPS-05 BPS-06 09
05 Dispatch Rider BPS-06 BPS-07 02
BPS-05 BPS-06 01
BPS-06 BPS-07 01
BPS-04 BPS-06 01
06 Naib Qasid BPS-03 BPS-04 09
BPS-03 BPS-05 21
BPS-02 BPS-03 07
BPS-02 BPS-04 35
BPS-01 BPS-03 55
07 Qasid BPS-03 BPS-05 07
08 Daftary BPS-02 BPS-04 01
BPS-03 BPS-05 02
09 Regular  Frash BPS-02 BPS-04 01
10 Sweeper BPS-01 BPS-03 01
BPS-02 BPS-03 03
BPS-01 BPS-03 01
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Substantive Pay Scale on Time Scale



You can see many of the officials are getting upgraded to the next higher level. Many Officials will get moved to one scale-up, and many shall get 2 scale Up-gradation. This up-gradation lies under One Time Dispensation with effects from 1st January 2023. However, the substantive Pay scale of these employees will remain the same. It will not change in the effect of this Up-gradation.

This is a good step by the Government of Pakistan. The up-gradation of these Officials will allow them more confidence and interest in their work. It will also produce vacancy chances for unemployed individuals.



By Name Notification Grant Higher Scale Up-gradation Ministry of Commerce



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