Pakistan Ranger Latest Jobs Vacancies 2023

I am sharing here the Pakistan Ranger’s Latest Jobs Vacancies for 2023 in Medical Department.  Headquarters rangers Pakistan  Rangers announce vacant posts for Pakistan nationals on open merit quota.

The Latest Pakistan Ranger Latest Jobs Vacancies 2023 Post No. of posts Gender Qualification Age limit till 2023
1 Surgical specialist- BPS-19 01 Male/female Postgraduate (FCPS) 50-60
2 Gynaecologis –BPS-19 01 Male/female Postgraduate (FCPS) 50-60
3 Eye specialist-BPS-18 01 Male/female Postgraduate (FCPS) 55
4 Medical officer-BPS-18 02 Male/female MBBS (FCPS) 45-50
5 General duty medical officer –BPS-17 06 Male/female Postgraduate (FCPS) 33
6 Metron –BPS-18 04 Male/female BS

Experienced and registered from the Pakistan Nursing Council

7 Anesthetist specialist 01 Male/female Postgraduate (FCPS) 55

Medical jobs in Pakistan Rangers


 The government of Pakistan Rangers department announces contract jobs as medical officers Anesthetist specialists and doctors. All Pakistan nations can apply on open merit. All those applicants who are involved in any illegal activity are not eligible for any above posts.  For more skilled officers in the medical field and to make this department more welfare able for people Government is hiring Medical staff on a contract basis.


Government jobs for paramedical staff


 To fill vacant posts and provide more employment opportunities medical and paramedical officers are required for the Government  Medical department. Applications of all suitable candidates fulfilling all requirements are eligible for the above posts. Their contract will be extended after one year to three years of the job.

Doctors, Meterns, Eye specialists, medical officers, surgical specialists, and anesthetists Required:

Pakistan Rangers(Sindh ) has issued an invitation for applicants from male and female specialists /medical officers who work on a biennial contract basis at Muslim Jinnah court Building Dr. Zia u din Ahmed Road, Karachi no.4 Aspiring doctors who are interested in joining Pakistan Rangers (Sindh) can apply for this position.


Rules and regulations


  1. The medical officer will be appointed anywhere in Sindh province.
  2. No pension will be provided.
  3. Pension / Commute will not be provided on retirement.
  4. No candidate will be allowed to do a postgraduate course.
  5. Private practice is not allowed without any permission from the related authority.
  6. Shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview.
  7. No TA/DA will be provided.
  8. Before leaving any post candidate must inform one month before leaving and submit one month’s salary.


Procedure to apply


To apply for this position, interested candidates are required to follow the steps listed below:


  1. Submit Application on Plain Paper: Candidates must submit their applications on plain paper, along with their CV, addressed to the Director General Pakistan Rangers (Sindh).
  2. Send Application to the Given Address: The application should be sent to the address provided above and must reach the destination within 15 days of the advertisement’s publication. The newspaper published the ad on 11th Mar 2023.



Pakistan Ranger Latest Jobs Vacancies 2023

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