Revision of Allowances Order on Upgradation of Posts in Police Department Sindh

Government of Sindh, Police Department issued a letter on 07-03-2023 in connection with the Revision of Allowances Order on Upgradation of Posts in Police Department Sindh. These upgraded posts are Constables, Head Constables, and Assistant sub Inspectors. The details are as under:


Revision of Allowances on Upgradation of Posts on Police Constables


I am directed to state that the Finance Department Government of Sindh has upgraded the following posts lower subordinate officials vide its letter U.O No. FD(SR-III)2-16/2018 dated: 11.08.2023.


Name of Posts Previous BPS Up-Graded BPS
Assistant Sub-Inspector BPS-09 BPS-11
Head Constable BPS-07 BPS-09
Driver Head Constable BPS-07 BPS-09
Constables BPS-05 BPS-07
Driver Constable BPS-05 BPS-07

Revision of Allowances Order on Upgradation of Posts in Police Department Sindh



Taking of Matter with AG Sindh



  1. The matter has been taken up with the Accountant General Sindh regarding the up-gradation of Posts in which it emerged that the up-gradation of ASI from BPS-09 to BPS-11 will render them ineligible to receive any Fixed Daily Allowance as per notification No. FD(SR-III)10(06)/2014 dated: 26.12.2014 does not provide any Fixed Allowance for BPS-11.
  2. Similarly, the upgradation of Posts from PC BPS-05, HC BPS-07, and ASI BPS-09 to PC BPS-07, HC BPS-09, and ASI BPS-11 respectively will create anomalies in the grant of risk allowance as per the previous notification referred to above.
  3. In order to avoid any further financial implication on the Government of Sindh and to resolve the issues of an anomaly in pay and allowances, the same rates of Fixed Daily Allowance and Risk Allowance as previously applicable may be allowed to the officials of Sindh Police with upgraded BPS.
  4. It is, therefore, requested that the matter may kindly be moved to the Finance Department Government of Sindh to revise order No. FD(SR-III)10(06)/2014the matter may kindly be moved to the Finance Department Government of Sindh to revise order No. FD(SR-III)10(06)/2014 dated: 26.12.2014 by allowing the same rates for Fixed Daily Allowance & Risk Allowance to the following upgraded posts as previously entitled to offset any financial implication.
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Revision of Allowances Order on Upgradation of Posts in Police Constables




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Proposed Rates of Fixed Daily Allowance and Risk Allowance



Name of Posts Previous BPS Existing Rates


Up-Graded BPS Proposed Rates


Fixed Daily Allowance Risk Allowance
Fixed Daily Allowance Risk Allowance
ASI BPS-09 4,400 3,820 BPS-11 4,400 3,820
HC BPS-07 4,400 3,530 BPS-09 4,400 3,530
Drive HC BPS-07 4,400 3,530 BPS-09 4,400 3,530
PC BPS-05 4,400 3,340 BPS-07 4,400 3,340
Driver PC BPS-05 4,400 3,340 BPS-07 4,400 3,340

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