Government Hajj Scheme 2023

Ministry of religious affairs Government of Pakistan announces the latest update about Government Hajj Scheme 2023 Pakistan. Hajj is the Holy obligation of Muslims. Muslims perform Hajj every year. For the year 2023, Government makes two Hajj schemes for Muslims. I have already shared the news regarding the Announcement of the Hajj Policy 2023 in Pakistan. Now MORA has officially advertised the same for the public.


Government Hajj Scheme 2023 Pakistan


  1. Sponsorship Hajj scheme
  2. Regular Hajj Scheme


Regular Hajj Scheme 2023


This scheme has many benefits as,

  1. 43,308 seats reserved for the regular scheme. The decision will be announced on balloting.
  2. All Pilgrims of 2016 male and female will not eligible for Hajj 2023. (to provide an opportunity to many other Muslims.).
  3. A female who is performing Hajj for the first can bring her Blood-relation (male) with her. (exemption for males performed Hajj 2016)


Sponsorship Hajj scheme (2023)

This scheme is updated as

  1. Introducing Quota “First come, first get” . for reserved 43,308 seats.
  2. All Pilgrims of 2016 male and female will not eligible for Hajj 2023. (to provide an opportunity to many other Muslims.).
  3. International Pakistanis must send foreign exchange


Rules and Regulation Hajj 2023


The government has approved the following rules and regulations for Hajj 2023. These are as follows:


  1. No age limit for Pakistani pilgrims.
  2. All pilgrims must have Bank accounts. Selected Banks will help in Opening accounts.
  3. Attach 3 passport-size fresh pictures with blue backgrounds, Copies of the National identity card with the Hajj application.
  4. Bring vaccination certificates approved by Saudi Government. (Follow instructions given by Saudi Government).
  5. In the case of family Hajj, All relatives or family members can make a group of 14 people. Single member considers as a group.
  6. National Identity card must not be expired till 26 December 2023.
  7. For Sponsorship, Hajj has separate groups. Because the regular hajj scheme will maintain election on auction.
  8. Provide verified correct information for Hajj application.
  9. Save the registration receipt and affidavit.
  10. There are separate expenses for children less than 2 years. They must have a passport and other required documents.
  11. Pilgrims must have their own animal Scarify in Saudi Arabia. these tokens can be received from registered and selected institutions.
  12. Applications can submit online forms at and
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Hajj applications must be processed by the Bank selected by the Government of Pakistan.


Expenses for Hajj 2023


Hajj Expenses Regular Scheme Sponsorship scheme
  Toddlers Adult Toddlers Adults
South zone (Karachi, Quetta, Sukkur) 61,865 1,165,000 $ 227 $ 4,285
North Zone 62,865 1,175,000 $231 $ 4,325

All applications must be submitted from 6th March to 31st March 2023. The balloting will be held on  5th April 2023. The amount will be returned to pilgrims,  in case of fewer expenses.


List of Banks


List of banks and accounts for regular and sponsorship hajj Registration 2023; Bank
1 National bank of Pakistan
2 Habib bank limited
3 United bank limited
4 MCB  bank limited
5 Mezan bank limited
6 Allied bank limited
7 Bank al Habeeb
8 Askari bank limited
9 Soneri bank limited
10 The bank of Punjab
11 Bank al Falah
12 Habib  metro bank
13 Faisal bank limited

Helpline for more information on Hajj 2023







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Government Hajj Scheme 2023

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