Deduction of Three Days Salary Punjab Govt Employees Turkiye Earthquake

Government of the Punjab, Finance Department issued a letter on 10-03-2023 in connection with One to Three Days Deduction Salary Punjab Govt Employees BPS-18 to BPS-22 on account of the Victims Turkiye Earthquake. The details are as under:


One to Three Days Deduction Salary Punjab Govt Employees BPS-18 to BPS-22 (Turkiye Earthquake)


I am directed to refer to the subject cited above and to inform you that Provincial Caretaker Cabinet in its meeting held on 25.02.2023 has decided under additional decision   No. 02, to denote the funds from the salaries of Punjab Government employees for the victims of the unfortunate incident of the earthquake in Turkey as follows:


Table of Donations of Funds from Salaries of Employees


Sr.No. Grade Salary Deduction for
1. BPS-22 3 Days
2. BPS-21 & BPS-20 2 Days
3. BPS-19 & BPS-18  1 Day

I am, therefore, directed to request to make the deduction from the salaries of the employees as mentioned above for the month of March 2023 of all Administrative Departments, Attached Departments, district Education Authorities, District Health Authorities, and Field Formations who are paid salary through the Accountant General Punjab or District Accounts offices and accounted for the same upon the completion of payroll cycle at the end of this month.


On the other hand, Federal Government has already announced for one-day deduction of salary for PM Earthquake Relief Fund. Only the employees of BPS-17 and above of the Federal Government Will have to deduct one day’s salary. In Punjab, the range of deduction of salary/pay is for one to three days.

See also  Notification of Eid-ul-Fitr Bonus to NTDCL Employees



One to Three Days Deduction Salary Punjab Govt Employees BPS-18 to BPS-22

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