Teaching and Non-Teaching jobs in Cadet College Noshki Balochistan

A number of Teaching and Non-Teaching jobs in Cadet College Noshki, Balochistan have been announced. Cadet college Noshki is seeking dynamic and brilliant candidates to full fill the vacant position of Lecturer.  The government of Pakistan requires Master’s degree holders in different subjects. These jobs are on a temporary contract basis. All applicants from all around Pakistan can apply with the required qualifications.

Teaching and Non-Teaching jobs in Cadet College Noshki Balochistan 2023


Masters degree holders are invited from all over Pakistan to join a dynamic team of Cadet College Noshki, Baluchistan. Eligible candidates from all over the country can apply. Noshki  Cadet college is accepting applications from eligible candidates with suitable qualifications and requirements of the college. The college needs motivated and dynamic candidates for the following posts:


  1. Lecturer (English, Urdu, Computer Science, Pakistan studies)
  2. Khateeb (Pesh imam)
  3. Plumber
  4. Carpenter
  5. Sweeper
  6. Nan Bai (helper)
  7. Cook


Interested candidates can apply. Applicants can submit their applications along with their verified and attested copies of documents.


English Lecturer required in Cadet College


 Master’s degree holders in English are required for Noshki Cadet college. Applicants with the following qualifications and experience can apply,

Sr. no Name of post


Qualification Age limit No. of  posts
1 Lecturer English

(BPS 17)

MA English (Minimum 2nd div), with at least 3 years of experience 21 to 35 01

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Urdu Lecturer required in Cadet College,2023


To join a dynamic and versatile team of Cadet College Noshki, Applicants from all over Pakistan are invited.  Holders of Master of degrees in Urdu can join via the proper application with all the correct information.  Urdu is the national language. To make more vigilant students Urdu is needed to teach at cadet college.

Sr. no Name of post


Qualification Age limit No. of  posts
1 Lecturer Urdu

(BPS 17)

MA Urdu from a recognized University (Minimum 2nd div), with at least 3 years of experience 21 to 35 01

 Lecturer Pakistan studies required in Cadet College


 Masters degree holders in Pakistan are eligible to apply for the vacant post of Urdu lecturer at Noshki Cadet college Baluchistan. Applicants with the following qualifications and experience can apply.


Sr. no Name of post


Qualification Age limit No. of  posts
1 Lecturer Pakistan studies

(BPS 17)

MA Pakistan studies

(Minimum 2nd div), with at least 3 years of experience

21 to 35 01

Non-Teaching Staff  Vacancies


According to the requirements of Cadet college Noshki, the non-teaching staff is urgently required on a temporary contract basis. Interested Candidates can apply along with their documents and certificates. As only shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview. Following are vacant seats of  non-teaching staff,

Sr. no Name of post


Qualification Age limit No. of  posts
1 Khateeb

(pesh Imam)


Al shahada tul Alia


Equivalent degree  from Wafaq ul  madaris

21 to 35 01
2 Carpenter/wood polisher


Certificate from recognized TTC

With a minimum % of years of experience

21 to 35 01
3 Dispenser


SCC ,dispenser course 21-35 01
4 Plumber


Certificate from recognized TTC 21 to 35 01
5 Nan Bai




Health and professional experience

21 to 35 02
6 Waiter



(professional 3-5 year)

21 to 25 02
7 Sweeper



(professional 3-5 year)

21 to 25 01
8 Cook



(professional 3-5 year)

21 to 35 01

Computer instructor jobs in Baluchistan,2023


Cadet college Noshki Baluchistan requires a Computer instructor. The college wants their young cadets to get more knowledge about computer applications in daily life and at the office.  As the computer is the main Vein of technology. Because of this excellent candidates with fully-fledged experience and skills are required to apply as instructed by the advertisement.


Sr. no Name of post


Qualification Age limit No. of  posts
1 Computer Instructor

(BPS 16)

MSc computer science

( with 3 years of experience)

21 to 35 01

Teaching and Non-Teaching jobs in Cadet College Noshki,Balochistan

See also  Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) New Jobs Ad No. 02/2025

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