Free Three Bags of Flour per Family Ramzan Relief Package 2023

I am sharing here the details of Free Three Bags of Flour per Family Ramzan Relief Package 2023 launched by the Government of the Punjab and Prime Minister Pakistan. The details are as under:


Punjab Govt Free Three Bags of Flour per Family Ramzan Relief Package 2023



The prime minister of Pakistan announces a relief campaign for people. In this age of inflation, people are not able to buy commodities.  The price of Every commodity is raised. High prices make people’s choices limited. The people of the country want relief.  For this purpose, the government takes steps for relief.


Ramadan relief package by the Government of Pakistan


Ramadan is the holy month of blessings. People prepare many things for prayers and fasting. In this inflationary age Government understands their needs. For the welfare of the people, the prime minister is bringing the most important relief.

Government announces “ distribution of Atta among needy people”.


Free Atta Scheme of Government of Pakistan,2023:


For the holy month of Ramadan Government provides a free 10 kg pack of Atta to each needy family. Families with having monthly income of less than 60 thousand can get this opportunity. This Ramadan relief scheme is a very good step. The government wants to help needy and poor families.


Revolutionary step of the Pakistan Government


The government of Pakistan took the revolutionary step of distributing a Free 10 Kg of Atta. People can register for this. Inflation is rising day by day. Poor people become poorer and are unable to support their families. It is difficult for low-income families to enjoy Ramadan as other families. So to support their government by side of poor families. This will help to provide welfare .government opens 20 thousand distribution centers. Utility stores are also cooperating with them. Kiryana general stores registered with PSPA are working on this distribution.

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  1. Families with a monthly income of less than 60 thousand can apply.
  2. Registration is free of cost.
  3. Registration will be done by sending the ID card number at 8070.
  4. Each family will receive 3 packs of 10 kg Atta.
  5. For more information, the government provides a toll-free number 0800-02345.
  6. Atta will be distributed from 25 Shaban to 25 Ramadan.


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Free Three Bags of Flour per Family Ramzan Relief Package 2023

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