Prime Minister CSS Special Examinations (4th Chance)

Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif announces Prime Minister CSS Special Exam. He announces to conduct this exam to seek the most intelligent and dynamic people. The people who can serve Pakistan in the best way. This is an opportunity for youngsters who are willing to devote their services to Pakistan.

The Prime Minister CSS Special Exam


CSS exams are the most renowned competitive examinations in Pakistan. Every year, the Federal Public Service conducts this exam. The main function of this exam is to collect the most passionate and multifunctional people. These people help the government to run the country. Also to find solutions to public problems.

Even after passing the CSS exam and completing training, at the academy, candidates can easily transition into other jobs. It is definitely a standout part of the CV for any job applicant applies to, especially other branches of the government. Moreover, the CSS exam has a lot of worth in Pakistan as it brings reputation, and people can also play their role in state affairs.


Advantages of the CSS Exam


Appearing in the Central Superior Services (CSS) examination is an extremely rewarding experience in one’s life. Success or failure aside, preparing for this most challenging examination. This will open new fields of learning which will help you in practical life.


Perks of CSS Officers


It is not easy to pass this exam. It has a significant achievement because qualifying candidates get a chance to assume some high profile. There are many perks and privileges that CSS pass candidates can enjoy.

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  1. High Salary ·
  2. Medical Attendance ·
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  4. Official Vehicle Facility ·
  5. Security Guards


Age Limit relaxations in CSS Exam 2023


Aspiring candidates who want to join the Government in solving Public affairs can apply. Interested candidates have a maximum age limit of 35.


4th Chance for appearance  in CSS Exam


 All those candidates who lose their 3 chances can appear again. Prime Minister announces 4th chances for applicants. This is a historical announcement. Because in previous years examinees have 3 chances to appear in the exam.  But, now it’s a great opportunity to apply again. People across Pakistan can apply. From each province, every vigilant candidate is welcome to appear.


Eligibility Criteria


  1. All males and females are eligible.
  2. Minorties can also apply.
  3. No need to register again for Already registered candidates.
  4. The last date is extended up to 21st march.
  5. People from Regional, Rural and Urban areas across every province can apply too.


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Prime Minister Special CSS Exam

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