Constitution Anomaly Committee Special Dispensation Time Scale FG Employees

Government of Pakistan, Finance Division issued a Notification on 17-03-2023 in connection with Constitution Anomaly Committee Special Dispensation Time Scale FG Employees. Federal Government announced Upgradation and Time Scale Notification for Federal Employees BPS-01 to BPS-16. There are many questions and queries that are to be addressed. For this purpose, the Finance Division issued the Notification to the anomaly committee.


Time Scale / Upgradation Employees BPS-01 to BPS-16 Constitution Anomaly Committee Special Dispensation


The undersigned direct to say that an Anomaly Committee of the following composition the FD has constituted in the finance division (regulation wing). The purpose of the committee is to resolve anomalies arising out of the implementation of this special dispensation 2023. These issues pertain to civil servants (BPS-1 to BPS-15) of the federal government (excluding employees paid out of defense estimates) and are in receipt of Disparity reduction Allowances:


Composition of Anomalies Committee


The composition of the anomalies committee to dress the issues/queries for the Federal employee’s upgradation and time scale promotion is as under:


  1. Addituional finance seceratary (Regulations), Finanace Division                          Chairamin
  2. Joint secretary (regulations), finance Divison                                                        Member
  3. An officer of the status of Deputy Secretary from Concern                                   Member
  4. Ministry / Division/ Department                                                                              Member
  5. Deputy Secretary (R-I), Finance Division Secretary                                             Member
  6. Deputy Secretary (R-II), Finance Division                                                            Member
  7. Account Officer (pay fixation) AGPR, Islamabad                                                  Member
  8. Account Officer (regulations)                                                                                Member
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All ministries/divisions/departments are requested to identify the cases during the implementation of the finance division’s O.M.No.F.9(7)R-1/2014-62/2023 dated 14-02-2023 and refer them, with specific recommendations of the PAO of the line ministry/division, to the member, anomaly committee, finance division, Islamabad. The committee will examine and submit its recommendations for the approval of the secretary of finance.


Committee Functioning


This is a good step of the federal Government. The committee will resolve many issues of employees that they got after the issuing of the Notification of Time Scale/ Upgradation clerical staff and BPS-01 to BPS-15 employees of the Federal Government. The deprived employees will get relief soon. During the process of pay fixation, some employees may get more basic pay as compared to others having the same benefits earlier. Some employees may get less pay. There may have some in employees’ Basic Pay Scale difference. All such issues, the anomaly committee will discuss.



Constitution Anomaly Committee Special Dispensation Time Scale FG Employees

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