Notification of Grant of Time Scale BPS-18 to Divisional Accounts Officers (DAO) BPS-17

The government of Pakistan, Finance Division issued a Notification on 22-03-2023 in connection with the Notification of Grant of Time Scale BPS-18 to Divisional Accounts Officers (DAO) BPS-17. The details are as under:


Grant of Time Scale BPS-18 to DAO BPS-17 After 10 Years of Service


I direct to refer to the above-mentioned subject and to convey the approval of the Ministry for the grant of time scale BPS-18 to the Division Accounts Officer (BS-17) under the Administrative control of the Controller General of Accounts, on completion of 10 years of service in current substance pay scale (BS-17) subject to following conditions:


T&Cs for TS of DAOs


  • The employees will get Time Scale on completion of the prescribed length of service.
  • The Controller General of Accounts( CGA) will constitute and notify a Time Scale Committee (TSC on the pattern of the Departmental Promotion Committee.
  • The employees will get the time Scale on the recommendation of the Time Scale Committee (TSC).
  • Performance Evaluation Reports, detail of Disciplinary Action (if any), and Completion of the requisite length of service are the eligibility criteria for evaluation by the TSC.
  • The DAOs will not get the Time Scale with effect from the date of completion of the requisite length of service rather completion of the length of service will make the employee eligible for consideration by the relevant TSC. The employees will get Time Scale with immediate effect, on the recommendation of the relevant TSC and after the approval of appointing authority for that higher time scale. It will not be granted from the date of the meeting of TSC.
  • Grant of Time Scale the department will consider as promotion within the meaning of Section-9 of the Civil Servants Act, 1973.
  • The substantive pay scale of the time scale beneficiary will remain the original scale possessed by Divisional Accounts Officer on a regular basis through initial appointment or by means of promotion as the case may be.
  • On award of Time Scale, the pay of divisional Accounts Officers in the Accounts Offices will fix in a higher time scale without grant of pre-mature increment.
  • A Divisional Accounts Officer (BS-17) who getsTime Scale during the period between 1st June to 30th November of the calendar year can opt for re-fixation of pay presumptively w.ef. 1st December of that calendar year with a view to avail the benefit of the usual annual increment of the year.
  • On the Award of time scale the Divisional Accounts Officer (BS-17) the employee will get pay & Allowances sanctioned for that higher BPS.
  • Service rendered on a time scale will be counted for the substantive pay scale of the incumbent.
  • In case a service structure is formulated for Division Accounts Officer with a well-defined Promotional channel, this policy shall stand disbanded.
  • Extra Ordinary leave (EOL Without Pay)  will not be counted for the length of service for the grant of time scale.
  • Service in BS-16 and below will not be counted for grant of time scale.
  • In case a Divisional Accounts Officer, who has been granted Time Scale BS-18, is posted against a post that is sanctioned in BS-18, the substantive BPS of the Divisional Accounts Officer will remain BS-17.
See also  Govt of Pakistan Reluctant to Introduce Unified Pay Scales


The Controller General of Accounts is requested for further necessary action in the matter, please.


Notification of Grant of Time Scale BPS-18 to Divisional Accounts Officers (DAO) BPS-17


Grant of Time Scale BPS-18 to DAO BPS-17

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