Notification Clarifications One Additional Increment and Conveyance Allowance Special Dispensation 2023

Government of Pakistan, Finance Division issued a Notification on 29-03-2023 in connection with Clarifications One Additional Increment and Conveyance Allowance Special Dispensation Policy 2022 and Time Scale Policy 2023.  The queries and their answers are as under:


Clarifications One Additional Increment and Conveyance Allowance Special Dispensation Policy 2022




Sr. No. Query Replies
i. On grant of one additional increment, their one chance of higher time scale admissible under time scale policy-2022 will be considered lapsed or otherwise? The employees who have availed the benefit of time scale as per time scale policy-2022, and on grant of one additional increment under special dispensation, their one chance of higher time will not have lapsed.
  One chance of grant of higher time scale admissible under time scale policy-2022 will be considered lapsed or otherwise? It is clarified that under the special dispensation policy dated 14-02-2023, on granny of one additional increment as a one-time dispensation to the employees in BPS-16, one chance of a higher time scale will not have lapsed.
  The employees of BS-15 who will opt for special dispensation will be granted BS-16, either they will get a conveyance allowance of BS-16 or otherwise? They will draw allowances/ perks/ privileges including conveyance of their substantive pay scale i.e. BS-15.

Notification Clarifications One Additional Increment and Conveyance Allowance Special Dispensation 2023


Chance of Higher Time Scale and BPS-16 One Additional Increment


Query Reply
Whether one chance of a higher time scale deems to have lapsed in respect of BS-16 employees on grant of one increment under r the said dispensation or otherwise? It is clarified that the under special dispensation policy dated 14-02-2023, on the grant of one additional increment as a one-time dispensation to the employees in BPS-16, one chance of a higher time scale will not have lapsed.
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5 thoughts on “Notification Clarifications One Additional Increment and Conveyance Allowance Special Dispensation 2023

  1. What about TA travelling allowance of BPS -12 if pay scale is upgraded from BPS-11 to BPS -12 is employee Get TA of BPS -12 or BPS -11

  2. What about federal govt employees who are in BPS 12 , will they take BPS 14 increament or BPS 13 ? Because there is not BPS 13 in this department. Please make it clear, thanks


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